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MeetingInstitutional and scientific co-operation, networking and capacity building in the field of food safety and quality
Hungary and The Netherlands
2002This paper explains the situation in Hungary and The Netherlands regarding scientific co-operation, networking and capacity building in the field of food quality and safety. Specific details are given about institutional co-operation including exchanges between staff and students, collaborative projects in policy and science advancement, institutional and scientific networking projects and capacity building. Within a dynamic and fragile marketplace, with ever changing consumer expectations, the implications and application of a Pan-European approach to further scientific co-operation in food safety and quality are raised by this example. -
ProjectCounties that Count – A Pilot Project on Strengthening Capacity for Effective Agriculture Data and Knowledge Management through the Kenya Integrated Agriculture Management Information System (KIAMIS) - TCP/KEN/3706 2022
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No results found.With a rapidly increasing population and stagnating agricultural production, significant questions are being raised as to how Kenya will achieve food security The majority of Kenya’s agricultural harvest is produced by smallholders, whose farms are characterized by high production costs and low yields In order to boost smallholder production in the past, the country ran large fertilizer subsidy programmes under which large quantities of fertilizer were purchased and distributed to key warehouses for collection by farmers The main problems with this system revolved around the following issues the frequent late arrival of fertilizer, the blanket application of one type of fertilizer for all soil types in the country and the exclusion of the private sector in the provision of fertilizers In response to these issues, the country committed itself to the development of a nationwide subsidy programme that would enable the registration of farmers and support their access to a wide range of agricultural inputs and extension messages through e vouchers and short message service messages Another reason for low production was the lack of access to information Agricultural data were fragmented, with counties, MoALF&C and KNBS collecting statistics but rarely agreeing on common data collection and publication protocols. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetStrengthening the capacity of countries along the Belt and Road Initiative on pesticide risk management through FAO and China South-South Cooperation Programme 2019
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No results found.From 26-28 February 2019, China hosted an international workshop on pesticide risk management with an agroecological based Integrated Pest Management approach. The workshop took place in Shanghai and was jointly organized by FAO and China through the global capacity development project under the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme, More than 30 participants from 11 countries including: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Colombia, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine and China attended the meeting.
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