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预防黄叶病热带第四型(TR4) 的传播和传入


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    Preventing the spread and introduction of banana fusarium wilt disease Tropical race 4 (TR4)
    Guide for travelers
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    Banana is an important crop for food security and ensuring the livelihoods of approximately 400 million people who depend on the crop either as a staple food or source of income, particularly in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Plant pests and diseases can seriously affect agricultural production and livelihood of rural people. Fusarium wilt of banana is one of the key examples of crop devastation by a plant disease. This disease brought the banana export industry almost to a halt in the 20th century when the popular banana variety Gros Michel was devastated in Central America. The sector was saved by the introduction of the Cavendish variety, which is resistant to race 1 of the fungus. However, Cavendish bananas are now succumbing to a new, highly aggressive strain of the Fusarium wilt fungus, Tropical race 4 (TR4). Fusarium wilt TR4 threatens almost all banana producers, posing the greatest risks to countries producing Cavendish bananas in monoculture plantations in Asia, Australia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Cavendish bananas, which constitute approximately half of the bananas grown globally are highly susceptible to TR4, but other dessert banana varieties grown in these regions are also susceptible. Once established in a banana plantation, the fungus can survive in the soil for decades with its chlamydospores, even without banana plants. Scientific reports indicate the presence of TR4 in numerous countries in Asia (China – mainland and Taiwan Province), India, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar,
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    TR4 全球网络世界
    世界香蕉论坛 倡议
    TR4 全球網絡。世界香蕉論壇的一項倡議是 TR4 全球網絡 (TR4GN) 的企業宣傳冊。它展示了聯合國糧食及農業組織 (FAO) 作為全球努力打擊熱帶種族 (TR4) 蔓延的領導者的作用,這是一種在三大洲肆虐香蕉和車前草農場的真菌。 企業宣傳冊的受眾主要是政策制定者和決策者,但它也與專家、學術界、學生、媒體和公眾有關。 除了對影響香蕉和大蕉的疾病的歷史回顧外,這本小冊子還闡明了用於討論 TR4 的全球公認術語。也就是說,它區分:疾病(香蕉枯萎病);真菌 (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense);和當前的真菌菌株(熱帶種族 4 或 TR4)。 手冊中列出的主要內容包括:目前尚無治愈 TR4 的方法; TR4可以通過鞋子、車輛、農具和設備傳播,也可以通過排水、地表徑流水和洪水傳播;對抗 TR4 最有效的方法是防止其擴散到清潔區域並在發現後立即遏制;香蕉和大蕉作物的多樣化以及支持可持續性的農業生態實踐也是幫助預防 TR4 的關鍵;國際合作和當地行動對於在受影響國家管理 TR4 至關重要。
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    Prevention and diagnostic of Fusarium Wilt (Panama disease) of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (TR4). Technical Manual 2014
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    Global banana production is seriously threatened by the re-emergence of a Fusarium Wilt. The disease, caused by the soil-borne fungi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) and also known as “Panama disease”, wiped out the Gros Michel banana industry in Central America and the Caribbean, in the mid-twentieth century. The effects of Foc Race 1 were overcome by a shift to resistant Cavendish cultivars, which are currently the source of 99% of banana exports.

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