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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSmall and medium enterprises and nutrition - Upgrading business models 2022
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No results found.This fact sheet describes the second of a series of two e-learning courses on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and nutrition. In this course, you will learn an approach to integrate nutrition into SME business models, in order to make food systems more nutrition sensitive. -
Book (stand-alone)Innovative business models for small farmer inclusion
Background paper for The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2020
2020Also available in:
No results found.Farmer participation in agricultural markets is of major importance for rural economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. This paper discusses market failures and constraints in agriculture in low-income countries, focusing on how these failures and constraints affect small farmers, input sellers and output buyers. It then explores innovative models implemented to address these challenges, including: out- grower schemes; input bundling programmes; decommodification through quality product differentiation; information and communication technologies; distributed ledger technologies; and direct purchasing models. Finally, the paper reviews the existing evidence surrounding these innovative approaches and highlights evidentiary gaps. -
Book (stand-alone)Promoting rural women's cooperative businesses in Thailand. A training kit. 2004
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No results found.This publication is an outcome of an FAO Technical Cooperation Project in collaboration with the Cooperative Promotion Department (CPD) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand. The project assisted in strengthening the training capacity of the CPD through training of trainers and field demonstration activities in five regions of Thailand. While cooperative women’s groups have been set up as part of the government’s efforts to help increase the incomes of women, the focus to date has mainly been on providing support services. This training kit instead focuses on capacity building to help women’s cooperative groups manage, promote, expand and diversify their businesses and move from dependence to self-reliance. The publication includes a comprehensive set of training modules on business concepts, gender issues, costing and pricing, bookkeeping and financial statements, marketing, risk management, business planning, leadership and team work, networking, and monitor ing and evaluation. Case studies are also provided.
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