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Enhanced Crossboundary Water Resource Management in the Senegal River Basin - TCP/INT/3602

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    The Voluntary Guidelines: Securing our rights - Senegal River Basin
    Success Stories
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    This publication will demonstrate how the project was a catalyst leading to improvements in conditions in the Senegal River Basin, under which land is held or occupied in agriculture sectors. The VGGT addresses problems of weak governance of tenure and the growing pressure on natural resources, assisting countries to achieve food security for all. The project focused on four separate Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) located in Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal.
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    Assessing water demand in Kabul River Basin during summer season 2022 2023
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    Better understanding of cropland water demand provides useful guidance for efficient irrigation practices. Potential evapotranspiration can be defined as a proxy of cropland water demand, i.e., the amount of water that can be transferred to the air from land1. Potential evapotranspiration was retrieved from MODIS remote sensing imagery and cropland extent from a land cover dataset based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data2,3. A bivariate map with a hexagon grid (cells of 90 square kilometers) is shown to analyze the water demand and the cropland distribution in the Kabul River Basin. The map can help policy-makers and stakeholders to gain valuable insights into the cropland water demand, aiding in effective water resource management and sustainable agriculture practices. This analysis contributes to the objectives of the Afghanistan Emergency Food Security Project (OSRO/AFG/213/WBK).
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Assessing water demand in Kabul river basin during winter season 2023
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    Better understanding of cropland water demand provides useful guidance for efficient irrigation practices. Cropland water demand is defined as the potential evapotranspiration, i.e., the amount of water that can be transferred to the air from land1. Potential evapotranspiration was retrieved from MODIS remote sensing imagery, and cropland extent was collected from ESA WorldCover, a land cover dataset based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data2,3. A bivariate map with a hexagon grid (cells of 90 square kilometers) is shown to analyze the water demand and the cropland distribution in the Kabul River Basin. The map can help policy-makers and stakeholders to gain valuable insights into the cropland water demand, aiding in effective water resource management and sustainable agriculture practices. This analysis contributes to the objectives of the Afghanistan Emergency Food Security Project.

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