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The Rome Declaration: Ten Steps to Responsible Inland Fisheries

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of a global conference on inland fisheries 2016
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    This publication is a compilation of presentations and recommendations resulting from the Global Conference on Inland Fisheries: Freshwater, Fish and the Future, convened at FAO HQ in January 2015 and is part of an MOU signed with Michigan State University. Contents include scientific papers on inland fisheries from a global perspective that cover biological and socio-cultural assessments, drivers and governance issues. Ten steps to responsible inland fisheries are included along with recommend ations for their implementation.
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    Policy brief
    Policy Brief. The unlocked potential of inland fish to contribute to improved nutrition in Sri Lanka 2019
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    Protein-energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies are important public health issues in Sri Lanka. Fish play a crucial role in nutrition and thus, promoting fish in the diet is among the strategies to control protein-energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies. Fish are a source of proteins and healthy fats and provide a unique source of essential nutrients, including long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, vitamin D and calcium. Furthermore, fish are ideal options for maintaining good health and weight management as they are low in cholesterol and thus recommended for patients with diabetes, coronary heart diseases and hypertension over other animal proteins. Despite their health benefits, expenditure on purchase of inland fish in Sri Lanka is low, with the average Sri Lankan spending only LKR 477.25 per month (~USD2.8) in 2016 on fresh fish from fresh waters (inland fish) and sea waters. Furthermore, despite the productive potential of inland fish, availability remains an issue, contributing to approximately 16 percent of the total fish production in Sri Lanka in 2016. These figures show that there is a great unharnessed potential to develop the inland fish value chain and promote its consumption as an avenue to improve the nutritional status of the Sri Lankan population. Furthermore, the extent of water bodies available in the country, and the natural and artificial environments within which inland fishers operate, serve as an ideal environment to promote the production of inland fish. In this respect, this policy brief discusses the potential of introducing more inland fish to the diets of Sri Lankans, particularly vulnerable groups.
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    1998 - Twenty-fourth IPFC Fisheries Symposium on post-harvest issues and utilization of low value products 1998
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    (1998) 24th IPFC Fisheries Symposium on post-harvest issues and utilization of low value products This is the report of the twenty-fourth Fisheries Symposium convened by the IPFC in 1998. The symposium focused post-harvest issues and utilization of low value products. Technological Approaches to using By-Catch in Low-Cost Products for human Consumption by Yu Swee Yean  Keywords: post-harvest; by-catch utilization; marketing; review Utilization of Bycatches in Low-Value Fish in India by K. Gopaku mar  Keywords: post-harvest; by-catch utilization; India; review Utilization of Trawl Bycatches in Southeast Asia by Tan Sen Min Keywords: post-harvest; by-catch utilization; Southeast Asia; review The Microbiology of Low-Salt Fermented Fish Products by Christine Paludan Muller Keywords: post-harvest; microbiology; fermented fish; review Traditiol Fermented Fish Products in Indonesia by Hari Eko Irianto Keywords: post-harvest; fermented fish; Indonesia; review Market Potential of Processed Tasma nian Jack Mackerel (Trachurus declivis) for Human Consumption by Jaquie Edwards and Felicia Kow Keywords: post-harvest; marketing; Jack Mackerel; Trachurus declivis; Australia; Tasmania; review Maximizing Utilization of Low Value Fish for a Better Future – Using Black Tilapia as a model by Jamilah Bakar and Azemin Youzoff Keywords: post-harvest; marketing; Tilapia; Oreochromus mossambicus; Malaysia; review A Study on the Fish Price and Consumption of Fish in the Nine Cities of Fujian Province of Chi in 1997 by Qiu Chengyu Keywords: post-harvest; marketing; Chi; Fujian; review Preparation and Storage Studies on Squilla Pickle by R. Tanuja and M. Shahul Hameed Keywords: post-harvest; Squilla; Oratosquilla nepa; stomatopods; India; review Preparation and Properties of Functiol Protein Concentrate from Tu Euthynnus affinis by V. Muraleedharan and K. Gopakumar Keywords: post-harvest; tu; Euthynnus affinis; protein concentrate; India; review Use of Soybean Flour in Fish Sausage Processing by Yusro Nuri Fawzya, Sugiyono, Hari Eko Irianto and Suparno Keywords: post-harvest; soybean flour; fish sausage; Indonesia; review Studies on the Extraction of Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) by Solvent Extraction by Li Laihao, Chen Peiji, Li Luidong and Wang Daogong Keywords: post-harvest; protein concentrate; solvent extraction; Chi; review Processing of Fish Flour from Croaker (Pseudocienia amoyensis by Yusro Nuri Fawzya, Dwiyitno, Hari Eko Irianto and Rosmawaty Perangingin Keywords: post-harve st; fish flour; croaker; Pseudocienia amoyensis; Indonesia; review The Utilization of Fish Protein and Oil from Anchovy (Angraulis japonicus by Changhue Xue, Y. Cao, Y. Lui, C. Wang and X. Chen Keywords: post-harvest; fish protein; fish oil; anchovy Angraulis japonicus ; Japan; review Utilization of Fish Waste for Fish Silage Powder and its Application as Feed for Chicken and Fish Culture[/i] by Nazory Djazuly, Surya and Dwi Budiyanto Keywords: post-harvest; fish waste; aquaculture; chicken feed ; Indonesia; review Utilization of Freshwater Catla (Catla catla) for Preparation of Myofibrillar Protein Concentrate[/i] by T.V. Sankar and A.Ramachandran Keywords: post-harvest; Catla; Catla catla; myofibrillar protein concentrate; India; review Control of Salting Schedule and its Effect on the Quality and Storage Life of Cured Fish by K.P. Antony, V. Muraleedharan, J. Joseph and K. Gopakumar Keywords: post-harvest; fish salting; India; study Changes in Fish Proteise Activity of Indian Mackere l upon Curing in Brine and Salt by Leema Jose, P. Seema Nair and M.R. Raghuth Keywords: post-harvest; fish salting; fish proteise activity; India; study Processing and Frozen Storage Characteristics of Ray Fillets by A. Ramachandran and T.V. Sankar Keywords: post-harvest; freezing; rays; India; study Effect of Indian Gooseberry (Phynthus emblica) on Fish Oil Antioxidation by E.M.R.K.B. Edirisinghe, W.M.K. Perera and A. Bamunuarachchi  Keywords: post-harvest; Indian Gooseberry; Phynthus emblica; fish oil antioxidation; Sri Lanka; study Fatty Acid Composition of some Small Pelagic Fish in Sri Lanka by E.M.R.K.B. Edirisinghe, W.M.K. Perera and A. Bamunuarachchi  Keywords: post-harvest; Indian Gooseberry; Phynthus emblica; fatty acid composition; Sri Lanka; study Influence of Extraction Methods on Quality of Shark Liver Oils by C.V.L. Jayasinghe, W.M.K. Perera and A. Bamunuarachchi  Keywords: post-harvest; extraction methods; shark liver oil; Sri Lanka; study Assessment of Nutritiol Value of Processed Shark Fins in Different Species by C.V.L. Jayasinghe, M.K. Perera, R. Samaradivakara and S.P. Jayasooriya  Keywords: post-harvest; nutritiol value; processed shark fins; Sri Lanka; study Studies on the Extraction of Phospholipids from Mussel by Hong Lin, Changhue Xue, Weifeng Lou and Xiubai Cheng  Keywords: post-harvest; phospolipids; mussels; Chi; study Regular Changes of Free Amino Acid and Taurine During Oyster Freshness Preservation by Wu Cheng-Ye and Liu Zhi-Yu  Keywords: post- harvest; free amino acids; taurine; oysters; Chi; study Fish Inspection and Control Systems in the Asia Pacific Region by Sirilak Suwanrangsi  Keywords: post-harvest; fish inspections; control systems; HACCP; review  Histamine in Tu in the Pacific Island Region by Tony Chamberlain Keywords: post-harvest; histamine; tu; Pacific Island Region; review Histamine producing micrococcus and flavobacterum spp. from fish by S. Guratne, U. Samarajeewa, T.S.G. Fonseka, I.V. Ranjani and K.S. Seetha Keywords : post-harvest; histamine; micrococcus; flavobacterum; Sri Lanka; study Incidence of Salmonella in Fishery Products by Sirilak Suwanrangsi, Kanokphan, Srimanobhas and Suwimon Keerativiryaporn  Keywords: post-harvest; Salmonella; review Distribution of Chlostridium Botulinum in Cured Fishery Products by K.V. Lalitha and K. Gopakumar  Keywords: post-harvest; Chlostridium Botulinum; Cured fishery products; India; Cochin; review Incidence of Listeria in Fish in Indonesia by Murtiningsih and Surya  K eywords: post-harvest; Listeria; Indonesia; review Alysis of Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP) using Mouse Bio-Assay to Support the Indonesian Shellfish Programby Surya and Kukah S. Achmad Keywords: post-harvest; Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP); shellfish; Indonesia; study Study of a Hazard Alysis Critical Control Point System Related to the Processing of Fish and Meat Products by N.P. Edirisinghe, T.S.G. Fonseka and S. Jayaratne Keywords: post-harvest; processing; HACCP; Sri Lanka; study Qualit y Determition of Commercially Frozen Prawns Using Nucleotide-Based Products, Sensory Assessment and Texture Measurements by P.T. Lakshman, P.D. Antony and K. Gopakumar Keywords: post-harvest; frozen prawns; nucleotide-based products; sensory assessment; texture measurements; India; study Overview of a Simple, Systems Based Approach to the Reduction of Blowfly Infestation of Cured Fish by Clare Johnson and John Esser Keywords: post-harvest; cured fish; blowfly infestation; review Studies on the O rganizatiol Structure, Leadership Styles and Communication in the Seafood Industry in Kerala (India) with respect to their Applicability for Introducing Total Quality Magement by S. Shassi and A. Ramachandran Keywords: post-harvest; organizatiol structure; communication; total quality magement; India; Kerala; review Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security in Sri Lanka by J.M.P.K. Jayasinghe Keywords: inland fisheries; aquaculture; food security; Sri Lanka; review

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