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Book (stand-alone)Strategies for the promotion of conservation agriculture in Central Asia
Proceedings of the International Conference, 5-7 September 2018, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2020Also available in:
No results found.The Proceedings of the Conference aims to compile the data collected during the Conference and archive for future. It is composed of 6 chapters. The chapter on keynote speeches include presentations of Mr Hafiz Muminjanov, Agricultural Officer at FAO headquarters, introducing Conservation Agriculture: a win-win option for food security, land management and livelihoods and of Mr Amir Kassam, Moderator of the FAO Global Platform for CA Community of a worldwide revolution of conservation agriculture. -
Book (stand-alone)Nature-based solutions in agriculture: Sustainable management and conservation of land, water and biodiversity 2021
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No results found.In recent years, considerable progress has been made in the area of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that improve ecosystem functions of environments and landscapes affected by agricultural practices and land degradation, while enhancing livelihoods and other social and cultural functions. This has opened up a portfolio of NbS options that offer a pragmatic way forward for simultaneously addressing conservation, climate and socioeconomic objectives while maintaining healthy and productive agricultural systems. NbS can mimic natural processes and build on land restoration and operational water-land management concepts that aim to simultaneously improve vegetation and water availability and quality, and raise agricultural productivity. NbS can involve conserving or rehabilitating natural ecosystems and/or the enhancement or the creation of natural processes in modified or artificial ecosystems. In agricultural landscapes, NbS can be applied for soil health, soil moisture, carbon mitigation (through soil and forestry), downstream water quality protections, biodiversity benefits as well as agricultural production and supply chains to achieve net-zero environmental impacts while achieving food and water security, and meet climate goals. -
Book (stand-alone)Tillage systems for soil and water conservation
FAO Soils Bulletin No. 54
1984Also available in:
No results found.The increasing world population is resulting in intensified cropping of the limited areas of arable land to provide the necessary food in some countries. Unless effective conservation practices are used, such intensive cropping tends to increase the loss of soil and water resources. This trend must be reversed. The objectives of the Soils Bulletin are to present the principles and practices if tillage systems for sustained food production and to create an awareness of the need to conserve the world?s soil water energy resources for future generations. Although energy is an integral part of tillage systems, the emphasis is on soil and water conservation. This bulletin emphasizes tillage systems for developing countries, but relies heavily on principles that have been developed throughout the world. The need for more research on conservation tillage in developing countries is stressed.
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