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NewsletterSawlog Production Grant Scheme (SPGS) III Project Newsletter, January - June 2018, Issue#4 2018
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No results found.The newsletter of the Sawlog Production Grant Scheme (SPGS) III Project is a publication of news and updates from the Project. It highlights different activities through which FAO is supporting commercial tree growers as well as institutions and communities to plant trees for climate change mitigation and income generation. Contributors to the newsletter are mostly staff of FAO, working on the SPGS III Project, implementing partners, officials from the Government of Uganda (Ministry of Water and Environment or National Forestry Resources Research Institute) as well as the European Union delegation in Uganda. The newsletter is a critical communication tool for FAO and the Project because it gives the grant recipients, partners and other people interested in forestry, relevant information on the sector. Distribution is done via email and printed hard copies that are delivered to partners and grantees at different fora. -
BookletEvaluation of the project “Sawlog Production Grant Scheme Phase III”
Project code: GCP/UGA/047/EC
2024Also available in:
No results found.The final evaluation of the Sawlog Production Grant Scheme Phase III (SPGS III) project, funded by the European Union and implemented by FAO in Uganda, involved interviews with the implementation team, nursery operators, forest contractors, tree planters having benefited from the project, and various institutions involved. The project provided technical and financial support to private tree growers to establish and maintain commercial plantations to acceptable national standards and led to the certification of private nursery operators and forest contractors with the aim of ensuring high-quality inputs and management of forest plantations. In so doing, the SPGS has helped set and enforce quality standards in plantation forestry and contributed to growth in rural economies. However, market opportunities will be a key determinant of sustainability for tree growers, and it was noted that there was limited capacity developed in the field of value addition and commercialization. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetEvaluation of the project “Sawlog Production Grant Scheme Phase III”
Evaluation highlights
2025Also available in:
No results found.The objective of the project “Sawlog Production Grant Scheme” was to encourage private sector investment in commercial timber plantations by providing grants and technical support to private sector investors in timber crops. Initially expected to last 55 months, the project was extended twice, first due to erratic weather and later to accommodate delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Phase III aimed at increasing the incomes of the rural population through commercial tree planting by small, medium and large-scale private sector actors and the local communities themselves, while helping to mitigate climate change effects through intensive afforestation.
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