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Report of the Consultation-cum-Workshop Development of Activities for Improvement of Coastal Fishing Families. Dacca, Bangladesh. October 27 - November 6, 1981 - BOBP/REP/15

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    Learning by Doing in Bangladesh - Extension Systems Development for Coastal and Estuarine Fisherfolk Communities - BOBP/REP/65 1994
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    This report describes the process, achievements and learnings of a subproject which set out to learn by doing pilot extension activities, and give direction to the development of a fisheries extension service aimed at the coastal and estuarine small-scale fisherfolk of Bangladesh. The subproject was cleared by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) in April 1989 and was initiated in the two target districts of Borguna and Patuakhali in July 1989. Along the way, the UNFPA proposed a component aimed s pecifically at enabling the development of women in fishing communities. However, the main phase of the activity could not be funded by UNFPA, and a scaled-down version was incorporated into the subproject in July 1991 by the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The main component of the subproject, consisting of 19 pilot activities, came to an end in December 1992 and the women’s activities came to an end in September 1993. The Bangladesh Department of Fisheries (DOF) was responsible for the ex ecution of the subproject. BOBP provided technical assistance, expertise, training inputs, support for training, grants to establish revolving funds for enterprise development, equipment and monitoring. The training was designed and coordinated by Mr. Md. Shahid Hossain Talukder and provided by a group of Bangladeshi trainers drawn from various nongovernmental organizations.
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    The Coastal Set Bagnet Fishery of Bangladesh - Fishing Trials and Investigations - BOBP/REP/34 1986
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    This paper reports on the conduct and findings of fishing experiments during six seasons (1980-86) to improve the economics of set bagnets (behundi jal) in Bangladesh. The main purposes were to reduce the costs by using cheaper materials and to increase productivity by employing nets of larger size and new designs. The set bagnet is a traditional fishing gear widely used in the coastal area of Bangladesh. It is the second most important fishing gear after gillnets. In order to better estim ate its importance, BOBP also conducted a pilot survey, the outcome of which has been published in a separate paper (BOBP/WP/34). The work was carried out in cooperation with the Marine Fisheries Department (MFD), Chittagong. The principal national officer engaged in the work was Mr. M.A. Sabur, Fisheries Inspector, who participated on a full-time basis in the trials during the last four years. The initial experiments (1980-81) were conducted in cooperation with the Kalidaha Fishing Pr oject of CARITAS, a social service agency of Juldia near Chittagong, and with private fishermen at Dubla Char off the Sunderbans. From the 1981/82 season the trials were concentrated in Sonadia Island, just north of Cox’s Bazaar. They were conducted in cooperation with private fishermen. Overall planning and supervision of the work was provided by BOBP’s Fishing Technologist, Mr. G. Pajot, during 1980-82 and 1984-86 and by Mr. T. Gestsson, consultant, during 1982-84 The author participate d part-time in the 1983/84 and 1984/85 trials as BOBP Associate Expert in Fishing Technology and in the 1985/86 trials as full-time consultant. Dr. B.T. Antony Raja, Fishery Biologist and BOBP consultant, assisted in interpreting data collected during the last season (1985/86) and in preparing this report.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Fisherwomen's Activities in Bangladesh : A Participatory Approach to Development - BOBP/REP/24 1986
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    This paper describes and discusses a pilot project to improve the living standards of fisherwomen from two villages near Chittagong, Bangladesh. The project tried out the ‘participatory approach’: groups of fisherwomen led by ‘link workers’ took active part in the project at all stages: planning, identification of activities, implementation. The paper highlights the project methodology, achievements and failures, problems, and lessons for the future. Under the project, several activities to ge nerate income-such as net-making, fish culture, poultry and goat rearing-were organized. Activities to improve the nutritional status of fisherfolk were taken up. Loans were distributed to project members for investment in income-generating activities. A savings scheme was launched. Carried out from 1981 to 1985, the project was implemented by the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) in cooperation with the marine fisheries department of Bangladesh. It was coordi nated by a BOBP sociologist. Two field workers engaged by BOBP and two officials of the marine fisheries department worked with the fisherwomen groups. BOBP’s role in the project was terminated in 1985, and a voluntary agency, Nijera Kori, took over this role.

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