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Environmental and Social Standards, Certification and Labelling for Cash Crops

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    Book (stand-alone)
    The WTO and environmental and social standards, certification and labelling in agriculture
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    This paper reflects on the GATT/WTO legal aspects of social and environmental standards and voluntary certification and labelling programmes in agriculture. The paper focuses on programmes with an international scope and with standards relevant for the crop production sector, including labelling of derived food products. The purpose of the paper is to advise governments and standard setting and labelling organizations alike by presenting the most relevant provisions in the WTO and indicating pos sible implications of these provisions.
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    A practical manual for producers and exporters from Asia. Regulations, standards and certification for agricultural exports 2007
    Many producers and exporters feel that the market for certified agricultural products is very complex and that the opportunities and requirements associated with certification programmes are not always clear. In addition, producers do not always know if the requirements are compulsory or voluntary. To assist stakeholders from the private and public sectors, FAO set out to produce a publication series covering various regions in the world – this one covers Asia. The manual is aimed at producer or ganizations, trainers, extension agents and exporters. It describes the import regulations of the main export markets, and major private standards and voluntary certification programmes. The reader is provided with an easy-to-read guide on the main voluntary certification schemes, their importance, the differences between them as well as their advantages and limitations. In order to be able to export his or her products any producer or exporter must also conform with the regulations of importing countries. The manual therefore provides information concerning the main import regulations in the United States of America, the European Union, Japan and other selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Owing to the changing nature of regulations and the diversity of products and their characteristics, numerous Internet addresses have also been provided where up-to-date, detailed information can be found.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Innovations in food labelling
    Woodhead publishing series in food science, technology and nutrition
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    National labelling laws, international norms and guidelines as well as private standards aim to protect consumers from deception and businesses from unfair competition. Food labelling is also becoming a policy tool for motivating change in consumer behaviour and shifts in food production practices. In this process of developing labels, the interactions between private actors and public institutions are dynamic and complex, especially given the need to harmonize labels to facilitate trade . This book provides information about the rights and responsibilities that are the foundation for food labelling, and illustrates how labelling policies are developed. Labelling topics include the Codex Committee on Food Labelling, international trade agreements and human rights, nutrition, allergens, organic, eco-labelling for fish, fair trade, geographic indication and genetically modified foods.

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