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Fiscal reform in Costa Rica

Price elasticities of major food categories to inform decision-making

Dal, E., Rivera, R. & Morales Opazo, C. 2023. Fiscal reform in Costa Rica – Price elasticities of major food categories to inform decision-making. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper, No. 23-04. Rome, FAO.

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    Price elasticities of major food categories to inform fiscal reform in Costa Rica 2023
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    In the context of fiscal reform in Costa Rica (value added tax revision), the definition of a new basic tax basket – canasta básica tributaria (CBT), incorporating nutritional criteria – is underway in the country. Measuring price elasticities is essential because it allows: knowing the extent to which food demand reacts to price changes, anticipating changes in the quantities demanded as a result of fiscal policy changes, measuring potential substitution and complementary effects between food groups, and potential nutritional effects of fiscal policies. As a result, it helps to provide recommendations on the content of a CBT with nutritional criteria.
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    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREWORD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This publication contains the proceedings of the International Sugar Conference held in Fiji from 29 to 31 October 1997. The Conference was jointly organised by the Government of Fiji and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Conference addressed "Policy issues for Asia a nd the Pacific in the Next Round of Mulitlateral Negotiations." The theoretical outlook, framework and analysis, and background documentation to these issues were prepared by the Sugar and Beverage Group of the Raw Materials, Tropical and Horticultural Products Service, Commodities and Trade Division, FAO. These were published as Conference papers, covering a range of issues and included country studies for the major regional producers and consumers; the quantitative outlook to 2005; the impact of trade liberalisation on the world sugar market; and a discussion on the nurtitional aspects of sugar. Papers were also prepared and presented by internationally renowned speakers from the world sugar trade (Tote and Lyle - Australia; Sparks - United States; Siel Limited - India); grower and miller organizations (the Philippine Sugar Millers Association; the Thai Roong Ruang Group and the Australian Sugar Milling Council); government institutions (USDA and the Queensland Sugar Corporatio n) and other international organizations (World Bank and International Sugar Organization). The keynote addresses were given by the Honourable Mr Militoni Leweniqila, the Fiji Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and ALTA, and Mr J.N. Greenfield, the Director of the Commodities and Trade Division, who also summed up the proceedings.
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    The Support unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research conceived and organized an international workshop on fiscal reform for fisheries, which was hosted by FAO from 13 to 15 October 2003 in Rome, Italy. A key goal of the workshop was to discuss the best use of fiscal methods to achieve both fisheries policy objectives, and broader economic, social and environmental objectives.This report presents a synthesis of the workshop. Discussions were organized first on a thematic basis (mix o f fiscal instruments, use of resource rent and managing fiscal reform processes) and then on a regional basis (thematic priorities, coordination, and recommendations for improvement and follow-up). The report summarizes these discussions as well as the presentations made by participants of the situation in each country represented at the meeting. It ends with the conclusions and recommendations adopted by the participants.

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