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Urban Forests and the SDGs. Banner

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    Benefits of Urban Trees. Banner 2016
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    The livelihood of urban communities depends on the wide range of goods and services provided by natural ecosystems in and around cities. The UPF approach can significantly contribute to the quality of the urban environment and provide a wide range of benefits including watershed management and disaster risk prevention, climate change adaptation and mitigation, air quality improvement, human health benefits, food and fuel supply, jobs and income generation and biodiversity conservation. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is committed to promoting UPF globally by putting information within reach, sharing policy expertise, providing a meeting place for nations, and bringing knowledge to the field. In particular, main areas of UPF-related work at FAO currently include: Technical assistance to countries; Awareness raising; Networking; Knowledge sharing.
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    Green Cities: to build back better for SDGs – A new powerful venture. Concept Note 2020
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    The world is becoming more and more urbanized. Today, 55 percent of the world’s population resides in urban areas and by 2050 the urban population is expected to rise to 68 percent mainly in low-income countries. Cities already consume almost 80 percent of the total energy produced in the world and absorb up to 70 percent of the food supply. To address these challenges, cities are being called upon to take a more active role in contributing to national governments’ efforts in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Population growth and rapid urbanization imply dietary shifts and an increasing demand for basic goods and services, as well as growing competition for natural resources to ensure access to healthy diets for all. Local administrations are finding it more and more difficult to meet the needs of urban and peri -urban populations and the COVID-19 pandemic has added new challenges, such as food system disruptions, loss of jobs and food insecurity, worsening conditions especially for the most vulnerable.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Forests and Sustainable Cities
    Inspiring stories from around the world
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    Recognizing the importance of the services provided by forests and trees to urban dwellers, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests proposed that the theme for the 2018 International Day of Forests would be “Forests and Sustainable Cities”. To mark this occasion and promote the widespread adoption of “green” strategies for dealing with urban challenges, FAO invited the mayors of 15 different sized cities from various regions around the world to present their experiences with trees and forests and to show how this green infrastructure has helped address urban challenges. This overview of course is far from exhaustive and many other good examples exist. Collectively, the stories presented in this publication show that investing in green solutions can pay dividends while increasing the resilience and liveability of urban environments.

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