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Poster, bannerBenefits of Urban Trees
2016Large urban trees are excellent filters for urban pollutants and fine particulates. One tree can absorb up to 150 kg of CO2 per year, sequester carbon and consequently mitigate climate change. Trees provide habitat, food and protection to plants and animals, increasing urban biodiversity. Planting trees today is essential for future generations! -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetUrban Forests and the SDGs. Banner 2016
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No results found.UPF can provide a key contribution to the achievement of the recently approved Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by increasing the sustainability of cities and urban communities (SDG 11), by providing food and claen water (SDG 2 and 6), by increasing incomes and job opportunities (SDG 1), by promoting outdoor recreation activities and cleaning the air (SDG 3), by producing renewable energy and contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation (SDG 7 and 13), by improving soil quality a nd hosting biodiversity (SDG 15), by fostering green economy (SDG 8). -
No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentUrban and peri-urban forestry 1993This issue of Unasylva analyses the urban forestry situation and considers its potential for increasing living standards in different urban settings.
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