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SMS Gateway: Improving animal health through ICTs

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    SMS Gateway: Improving animal health through ICTs 2017
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    This case study sets out to show how an SMS Gateway system developed by FAO has been used to improve rural communication, support animal disease crisis management and contribute to livelihood resilience for small-scale farmers. Focusing on the case study of avian influenza in Bangladesh, the case study explores how the SMS alert system has bolstered disease prevention, surveillance and reporting among poultry farmers. This resilience case study is designed for practitioners who are interested in using an SMS Gateway system, or other cellular or web-based technologies, to improve reporting of animal disease outbreaks and exchange other types of information. It is expected to be of particular interest to farmers and producers’ organizations, animal health workers, government ministry officials and institutions involved in carrying out or supporting development projects.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Lao PDR: Improving poultry health and production in Luang Prabang 2019
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    The demand for poultry and poultry products is increasing in Luang Prabang and surrounding provinces. To meet this demand, the province imports poultry from neighboring countries. This poses risks to the vulnerable local poultry population with threat of introduction of transboundary animal diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Luang Prabang reported HPAI outbreaks in the past and the risk of reintroduction is always high. To reduce the risk of introduction of HPAI, the Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF), Lao PDR and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) implemented the project on ‘evidence-based risk management along the livestock production and market chain.’ Related activities were implemented in three high-risk villages of Luang Prabang with support from the United States Agency for International Development and the Australian Government. A community-based approach was used to improve poultry health and management by organizing farmer groups in each village. The focus is on developing a sustainable business enterprise by raising a niche breed of poultry. This is foreseen to meet the needs of local poultry farmers and market demand. This leaflet highlights one of the success stories in the implementation of the project on evidence-based risk management along the livestock production and market chain funded by the United States Agency for International Development and the Australian Government. The project selected three high-risk villages in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR under the threat of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Farms in these villages showed improvement in poultry health and management practices using a community-based approach.
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    Book (series)
    Global consultation on highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)
    Rome, Italy, 2-4 May 2023
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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is a severe and highly contagious disease that has severe impacts on animal and human health, livelihoods, and the economy. At the time of the consultation, the recent panzootic had affected more than 70 countries and territories, resulting in over 11 000 disease events in both wild and domestic bird populations. The disease has also spilled over to several mammalian species, including humans, and may result in severe ecological and biodiversity consequences. Considering the alarming spread of HPAI and the evolution of avian influenza in wild birds, The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and Network of Expertise on Animal Influenza (OFFLU) brought together the global scientific community to review the latest science and evidence on the disease, to support development/implementation of disease prevention and control strategies and policies and contribute to global efforts towards reducing pandemic risk. The report summarizes the meeting discussions, and key recommendations to reduce the transmission of HPAI along the poultry value chains, and the spillover risk to humans and wildlife. The meeting report will contribute to revising the FAO-WOAH global control strategy for HPAI and developing evidence-based policies and research agendas to tackle the disease. Sharing the meeting report with technical experts and policy makers will help support the development of a research and development agenda to tackle HPAI globally.

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