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Technical workshop report – Unlocking the potential for sustainable, inclusive and competitive agribusiness development in the Near East and North Africa

FAO. 2023. Tehnical workshop report – Unlocking the potential for sustainable, inclusive and competitive agribusiness development in the Near East and North Africa. Cairo.

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    Public sector support for inclusive agribusiness development – An appraisal of institutional models in Nepal
    Country case studies – Asia
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    The agrifood system is changing rapidly in response to agricultural modernization and shifting consumer and societal demands for safer, better-quality and more convenient food. This new scenario coexists with more traditional types of family and subsistence farming. This changing environment places increased pressure on Ministries of Agriculture (MOAs) in developing countries to engage in agribusiness and agro-industry development. For this reason, over the past decade, many MOAs have establishe d agribusiness units with technical, policy and coordination functions. To perform well, these units should be given clear mandates and sufficient financial resources and qualified staff familiar with current agribusiness developments, such as value chain programmes, climate-smart agriculture, contract farming and public–private partnerships. However, this ideal scenario rarely occurs. A change in the mind-set of MOA staff is required to move beyond the traditional focus on production towards a more holistic, farm-to-fork approach that includes post-production issues; and this might prove to be quite a challenge. To shed light on the role, performance and empowerment of these agribusiness units, FAO conducted a scoping survey of 71 countries and in-depth analyses of 21 case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The primary objective was to draw lessons that can provide guidance to member countries on how to establish and operate well-performing agribusiness units. The outcome is presented in this series of country case studies, which contribute to enriching knowledge and sharing information on institutional responses for enhancing the public commitment to inclusive agribusiness and agro-industrial growth and job creation.
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    Public sector support for inclusive agribusiness development – An appraisal of institutional models in the Philippines
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    The agrifood system is changing rapidly in response to agricultural modernization and shifting consumer and societal demands for safer, better-quality and more convenient food. This new scenario coexists with more traditional types of family and subsistence farming. This changing environment places increased pressure on Ministries of Agriculture (MOAs) in developing countries to engage in agribusiness and agro-industry development. For this reason, over the past decade, many MOAs have establishe d agribusiness units with technical, policy and coordination functions. To perform well, these units should be given clear mandates and sufficient financial resources and qualified staff familiar with current agribusiness developments, such as value chain programmes, climate-smart agriculture, contract farming and public–private partnerships. However, this ideal scenario rarely occurs. A change in the mind-set of MOA staff is required to move beyond the traditional focus on production towards a more holistic, farm-to-fork approach that includes post-production issues; and this might prove to be quite a challenge. To shed light on the role, performance and empowerment of these agribusiness units, FAO conducted a scoping survey of 71 countries and in-depth analyses of 21 case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The primary objective was to draw lessons that can provide guidance to member countries on how to establish and operate well-performing agribusiness units. The outcome is presented in this series of country case studies, which contribute to enriching knowledge and sharing information on institutional responses for enhancing the public commitment to inclusive agribusiness and agro-industrial growth and job creation.
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    Bulgaria: Bank Lending to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Rural Areas; an Analysis of Supply and Demand
    Report N. 8 - January 2005
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    Bulgaria’s entry into the EU in 2007 will have a significant impact on the country’s small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in rural areas and the banking sector servicing them. EU standards and regulations related to specific sectors of industry (particularly food industry) coming in place in the next two years, as well as expected competition from the EU market, will change dramatically the scene in which rural SMEs operate. New investments are needed in order for this transition process to be successful. Commercial banks operating in rural areas have a vital role in realising this goal. This publication is part of report series published under the FAO Investment Centre/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Cooperation Programme. The series presents sector reviews and studies undertaken in Central and Eastern Europe that cover development issues and innovative areas to increase investment in agriculture in the region. Bulgaria's entry into the European Union in 2007 will have a significant impact on the country's small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in rural areas. EBRD's Financial Institutions team, together with its Agribusiness team, has developed a Facility to mix EU grant and EBRD loans in favour of rural SMEs in EU accession countries. EBRD called upon FAO's expertise to review lending opportunities in Bulgaria's rural sector. This report was prepared to put forward recommendations to EBRD and local financial intermediarie s, on which clients the EU/EBRD Facility should focus and on the types of financial products required to serve these new clients. The analysis can be used by other local or international financial institutions interested in rural credit.

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