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Technical assistance on pearl culture in Bangladesh

Pagcatipunan, R.N. 1986. Technical assistance on pearl culture in Bangladesh. Rome (Italy). 52 p.

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    Fishery Advisory Services
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    This report covers the result of technical assistance extended to the Government of Bangladesh on the management of a pilot oyster culture farm at Cox Bazar and the establishment of a pearl culture project at Mymensingh. The programme was part of the activities of UNDP/FAO Fishery Advisory services Project (BGD 81/034 and FAO/TCP Pearl Culture Project (BGD/TCP 2308. The services of Mr. R. Pagcatipunan, FAO Edible Oyster and Pearl Culture Expert, was provided for the period from November 5, 1983 to October 4,1984. The Directorate of Fisheries of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock as the National Agency provided for the counterparts namely:
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    Technical guidance on pearl hatchery development in the Kingdom of Tonga 1999
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    The designations employed and the presentations of material in this publication do not imply the impression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The Food and Agriculture Organization is greatly indebted to the organizations and individuals who assisted in the implementation of the project by providing information, advice and facilities.
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    Pearl oyster farming and pearl culture
    Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project
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    Pearls, one of the highly esteemed gems, are very valuable due to the high demand and prices for them. Several countries bordering the Indian and Pacific Oceans and some countries along the Eastern Atlantic Ocean have pearl oyster resources. Many of these countries, particularly those in Asia, are very much interested in pearl oyster farming and pearl culture. Japan stands foremost in the two fields having developed technologies and innovations in the field. The techniques of pearl oyster farm ing and pearl culture are not widely known. There is a need to promote more widely the techniques and relevant information on the bionomics of pearl oysters. In India, interest in pearl culture began at the start of this century. Several studies have been conducted by the Madras Fisheries Department in the 1930s. In 1972, the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) took up intensive research on pearl culture at Tuticorin achieving a breakthrough in July 1973 when it produced free s pherical cultured pearls by employing the mantle graft implementation technique. Since then intensive research has been carried out by the Institute on pearl formation, pearl oyster biology and ecology, and hatchery techniques for production of pearl oyster seed. Considerable information of applied value has been obtained. The development of the pearl oyster hatchery technology in India in 1981 opened the way for large and commercial scale culture of this bivalve species. Based on the technica l know-how provided by the CMFRI, a company has been established at Tuticorin to produce cultured pearls.

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