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Biodiversity in Action — #3

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Biodiversity in action — #2 2023
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    Both climate change and biodiversity loss have distorting social and economic impacts on development and cause severe risks for food security, nutrition and livelihoods among rural populations in Europe and Central Asia, most of whom depend directly or indirectly on the agricultural sector. The mutually reinforcing and complex nature of climate change and biodiversity loss requires the consideration of a variety of outcomes and the application of coordinated solutions, including nature-based solutions, that deliver the highest benefits and the fewest trade-offs, effectively mainstreaming them together. All three FAO Regional Initiatives in Europe and Central Asia, through their programmes, contribute to actions that may simultaneously bring benefits to climate change mitigation and adaptation and biodiversity conservation and help fulfil restoration objectives that contribute to enhancing food security.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Biodiversity in Action — #1 2022
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    Biodiversity provides ecosystem services – such as pollination, healthy soils and clean air – that are essential to all forms of life and are key to improving food security and nutrition. As on the global scale, the rich biodiversity and diverse ecosystems of Europe and Central Asia are threatened by changes in land use and intensification in agricultural sectors. The problem of genetic erosion caused by, inter alia, the steady trend of the replacement of local varieties with modern ones is common across the region. The disappearance of the extraordinary diversity of cultivated plants and domesticated breeds selected over millennia and of agricultural and food production knowledge rooted in the cultural identities of local populations will inevitably lead to the collapse of ecosystem services, threatening food security. The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, through Regional Initiative 3 – “Managing natural resources sustainably and preserving biodiversity in a changing climate” – supports Members in the region in their efforts to reverse the loss and restore biodiversity for food and agriculture and transition to more climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture and food systems by providing them with important tools, knowledge, information and technical support.
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    FAO regional dialogue on biodiversity mainstreaming across agricultural sectors in Europe and Central Asia
    16–17 November 2021
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    The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) is providing support to member countries to strengthen their capacities for mainstreaming conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity across agriculture sectors. In line with its mandate to coordinate a collective effort to address challenges related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, on 16–17 November 2021 REU organized the first Regional Dialogue on Biodiversity Mainstreaming across Agricultural Sectors in Europe and Central Asia. The objective of the Dialogue was to discuss challenges, exchange views and opportunities in addressing ways to mainstream biodiversity across agricultural sectors in Europe and Central Asia, promoting inclusive sustainable and resilient agri-food systems for improved food security and nutrition. The Regional Dialogue addressed the potential for collaborative actions among the different sectors and across countries, and the role of the FAO REU guidance. Moreover, it engaged stakeholders in consultations on the regional Action Plan for the Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Agricultural Sectors in Eastern European and Central Asian countries.

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