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Guidelines for the Economic Valuation of Pollination Services at a National Scale

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Handbook for Participatory Socioeconomic Evaluation of Pollinator-Friendly Practices 2012
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    This publication provides guidance on the socioeconomic evaluation of pollinator-friendly practices, as part of the GEF supported Project “Conservation and Management of Pollinators for Sustainable Agriculture, through an Ecosystem Approach” implemented in seven countries - Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, and South Africa. The project is coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with implementation support from the United Nations Env ironment Programme (UNEP). The field-testing and adaptation of the guidance described in this handbook, and the production of the book, was made possible through the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Rome, Italy. We would like to thank the partners in the GEF/UNEP/FAO project for their feedback on earlier drafts of this guidance. We are particularly grateful to the country teams in Ghana, India, Kenya and Nepal for their important role in enabling m eetings with farmers’ groups. We would like to thank also the many farmers, too numerous to name individually, in different villages for offering their hospitality and giving their time to talk to us about their practices and respond to our questions.
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    Policy Analysis Paper: Policy Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services With a Focus on Pollination 2016
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    This publication addresses the need to strengthen the interface between the scientific community, knowledge-holders and policymakers, and build capacity for and strengthen the use of science and knowledge in policymaking on the topic of ecosystem services. With respect to the ecosystem service of pollination, FAO developed a protocol to identify and assess pollination deficits in crops – resulting in a global meta-analysis, with data from eleven countries. Results emerging from this endeavour gi ve strong indication that pollination deficits may exist in a wide variety of farming systems across the world. As a response to this science, researchers and policymakers from the eleven countries considered the range and types of actions that can address pollination deficits, and developed an indicative set of policy responses. This publication is a result of this work, which considers the mainstreaming of ecosystem services at both national and international levels, with a focus on pollinatio n services.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Pollination services for sustainable agriculture 2008
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    Pollinators are essential for orchard, horticultural and forage production, as well as the production of seed for many root and fibre crops. Pollinators such as bees, birds and bats affect 35 percent of the world’s crop production, increasing outputs of 87 of the leading food crops worldwide. Food security, food diversity, human nutrition and food prices all rely strongly on animal pollinators. The consequences of pollinator declines are likely to impact the production and costs of vitamin-rich crops like fruits and vegetables, leading to increasingly unbalanced diets and health problems. Maintaining and increasing yields in horticultural crops under agricultural development is critically important to health, nutrition, food security and better farm incomes for poor farmers. In the past, pollination has been provided by nature at no explicit cost to human communities. As farm fields have become larger, and the use of agricultural chemicals has increased, mounting evidence points to a p otentially serious decline in populations of pollinators under agricultural development.

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