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Pollination services for sustainable agriculture

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Rapid assessment of pollinators'status
    A contribution to the international initiative for the conservation and sustainable use of pollinators
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    Every continent has reports of pollinator declines in at least one region/ country. The losses of pollination services have been well documented in many specifi c instances; what remains lacking are global assessments of changes in the distribution and levels of pollination services. As the recognized drivers of pollinator losses (changing land-use patterns, pesticide use, diseases, invasive species and climate change) are themselves changing in intensity, the global community is jus tifi ed in taking note and determining the actions that will conserve pollinators. The insidious nature of the loss of ecosystem services- by slow erosion rather than cataclysmic events- demands careful monitoring. Pollinators provide essential services to humans. In several instances, impressive documentation of the market and non-market values derived from pollination services has been made. Despite this, the economic valuation of pollination services has a number of challenges to overcome, many stemming from the gaps in understanding of the actual contribution of pollination to crop production. Developing sound management plans for pollinators will hinge on good taxonomic support. Linked to the taxonomic information about species is other information on biological characteristics (including fl oral relationships and ecological linkages) that are important for adaptive management. New approaches to managing pollinator information should help to overcome the taxonomic impediment, although the focus at present has been on bees, and not on other key pollinator groups.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The pollination of cultivated plants: A compendium for practitioners
    Volume 2
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    More than twenty years ago, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations contributed to the growing recognition of the role of pollination in agricultural production, with the publication of “The Pollination of Cultivated Plants in the Tropics”. Since that time, the appreciation of pollinators has grown, alongside the realization that we stand to lose them. But our knowledge and understanding of crop pollination, pollinator biology, and best management practices has also expanded over this time. This volume is the second of two “compendiums for practitioners”, sharing expert knowledge on all dimensions of crop pollination in both temperate and tropical zones. The focus in this second volume is on management, study and research tools and techniques.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Sustainable use and conservation of invertebrate pollinators 2023
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    Recognizing the importance of invertebrate pollinators, the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Commission) at its Seventeenth Regular Session, in 2019, adopted its Work Plan for the Sustainable Use and Conservation of Microorganism and Invertebrate Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and decided to address pollinators, including honey bees, at its Nineteenth Regular Session. Building on global assessments addressing pollinators published in 2016 and 2019, respectively, by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and FAO, this study provides up-to-date information on the status and trends of invertebrate pollinators, maps relevant regional and international initiatives, and identifies gaps and needs.

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