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FAO/INFOODS/IZiNCG Global food composition database for phytate - version 1.0 (PhyFoodComp1.0)

User guide

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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Database for Biodiversity Version 2.1 - BioFoodComp2.1 2013
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    The FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Database for Biodiversity (BioFoodComp) is the first global repository of solely analytical data on food biodiversity and represents the equivalent of an archival database, which means that no values have been calculated or estimated to complete the compositional profile for a food entry. The included data need to meet the criteria for biodiverse foods and a minimum of predefined quality criteria.Since 2010, compositional data for 6492 foods and 466 compo nents were collected and compiled into the BioFoodComp mainly by FAO interns, volunteers and consultants. The compositional data are exclusively analytical data from primary sources, e.g. as published in the scientific literature, reports or dissertations, or as received from the INFOODS network.The database is an archival collection of available analytical data of sufficient quality. It holds data of different edible parts of the same plant/animal food; different maturity stages; raw and processed food (cooked, preserved), but no recipes (composite foods).
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    FAO/INFOODS Global food composition database for pulses. Version 1.0 - uPulses 1.0 2017
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    The FAO/INFOODS Global food composition database for pulses (uPulses) provides nutrient values for pulses, a subgroup of legumes that includes dry edible seeds with low fat content. The majority of data are analytical data complemented by data from other published sources covering data on proximates, minerals, vitamins, phytic acid, amino acids and fatty acids fractions in raw and processed forms. The data compilation process followed standards and guidelines outlined by FAO/INFOODS, and the spe cies were selected based on the importance of the pulse and the available data. Emphasize is put on nutrient variations among different species, varieties and origin. A user-friendly format alongside with a comprehensive documentation will allow users to utilize compositional data on pulses more easily in their work.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO/INFOODS Guidelines for Checking Food Composition Data prior to the Publication of a User Table/Database-Version 1.0 2012
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    Food composition data play an essential role in many sectors, including nutrition, health, agriculture, environment, food labelling and trade (Burlingame, 2004; Greenfield and Southgate, 2003; Pennington, 2008). Over the last 25 years, INFOODS has developed many international standards, guidelines and tools to obtain harmonized food composition data. They contain criteria for analytical data, guidelines on component identifiers, data compilation, food nomenclature, interchange and quality evalua tion (INFOODS, 2012a; Greenfield and Southgate, 2003; Klensin et al., 1989; Rand et al., 1991; Truswell et al.,1991). They were supplemented by guidelines from others such as EuroFIR (EuroFIR, 2012a; Westenbrink et al., 2009). However, as there are no guidelines on the validation/verification of data prior to publishing them in a user table/database (DB), INFOODS and FAO decided to develop such guidelines through the INFOODS network. The document was constructed on the assumption that the user t able/DB was developed according to the criteria set by Greenfield and Southgate (2003, pp.14-15) as outlined in Figure 1. It reflects the different stages of food composition database management until the production of user tables/DBs. Checks should be performed at all levels of the food composition database (FCDB) and a final check is recommended before the release of a user table/DB. The checks described in this document are related to compiled/aggregated data before publication in user tables /DBs. The objective of this document is to outline comprehensively the internal checks to be carried out on the food composition data and documentation prior to their publication in the user table/DB (section 3). For those compilers not yet familiar with the compilation and publication procedures of food composition data, a section on general issues (section 2) was added to give a brief overview of important issues which are useful for a better understanding of the checks and for keeping the c hecks as short as possible, i.e. without the need for further explanations. which provide further useful information for those with less experience in database compilation

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