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Climate smart livestock production in Ecuador

A strategic partnership between FAO and the private sector

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    Climate-Smart Agriculture to Enhance Crop and Livestock Production In Egypt - UTF/EGY/035/EGY 2024
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    Despite substantial government investments in agriculture infrastructure, Egyptian farmers have been unable to reap the benefits as a result of their limited farming skills. Living conditions have also been negatively affected by climate change and the inability of farmers to adopt new farming systems that are both suitable and productive. Practical and innovative guidance was needed to enhance water management, soil fertility, plant protection, crop diversification, animal welfare, crop yields, livestock production and post-harvest added value. In response to this situation, IFAD approved a loan to allow the government to provide assistance to small farmers through the “Sustainable Agriculture Investments and Livelihoods (SAIL)” project. The SAIL project aims to reduce poverty and increase food and nutrition security for poor rural women and men in the New Lands by enhancing agriculture development and diversification. As part of the SAIL project, FAO was requested to provide technical assistance to establish 172 farmer field schools (FFS).
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    Piloting the Climate-Smart Approach in the Livestock Production Systems - TCP/MON/3703 2022
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    In Mongolia, the agriculture sector contributed 13 3 percent of gross domestic product ( in 2017 the second largest sector following the mining sector The contribution of the livestock sector to the agriculture GDP was 88 percent Approximately 40 percent of the work force directly depends on the livestock sector and the sector is dominated by an extensive livestock production system dependent on access to grasslands and thus inherently vulnerable to climatic and natural resource management risks and climate change It has been estimated that average annual temperature in Mongolia increased two fold between 1940 and 2013 around three times the global average Climate change has a negative impact on animal productivity, animal health, biodiversity, the quality and amount of feed supply, and the carrying capacity of pastures It has also led to the outbreak of new and re emerging livestock diseases, and a change in disease patterns The absence of policy or market based mechanisms to control livestock numbers and a lack of awareness regarding rangeland degradation has led to increasing herd sizes, producing acute limitations of forage and increasing desertification In 2020 76 9 percent of Mongolia's territory was affected by desertification Permanent pastures and meadows occupy about 110 5 million ha 71 8 percent of the total territory of Mongolia) 65 percent of this pastureland is already degraded to some extent.
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    Terminal evaluation of the project “Climate-smart Livestock Production and Land Restoration in the Uruguayan Rangelands”
    Project code: GCP/URU/034/GFF - GEF ID: 9153
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    The project “Climate-smart livestock production and land restoration in the Uruguayan rangelands” was financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and executed by Uruguay’s Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) between February 2018 and September 2023. Its objective was to “mitigate climate change and restore degraded lands through the promotion of climate-smart practices in the livestock sector, with an emphasis on family farming”.The evaluation findings indicate that the project's execution led to the attainment of outputs and outcomes which contributed to the stated objective. Specifically, results demonstrated the feasibility of establishing environmentally sustainable livestock production systems without compromising productivity or economic viability, as validated by beneficiaries. Furthermore, the project introduced public policy instruments to facilitate the replication and scalability of this successful model, offering an institutional framework for wider adoption.

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