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DocumentEvaluation of Special Programme for Food Security and South-South Cooperation (GCSP/LAO/011/JPN)
Report of the Evaluation Mission
2004Also available in:
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DocumentDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea Special Programme for Food Security, Phase 1 GCSP/DRK/003/ITA
Evaluation Mission Report
2005Also available in:
No results found.This report is prepared by an independent evaluation mission on the performance and achievements of the project “Special Programme for Food Security (Phase 1)” GCSP/DRK/003/ITA, in DPRK. The Project started in January 2002, and is due to terminate at the end of June 2005. In some ways this Mission is unique in addressing not only issues common at project closure but also addressing matters including estimation of its impact, replicability and possible follow up. The Mission started on the 24th M ay with discussions at the FAO RAP in Bangkok with FAO ADG/RR and the concerned officers at RAP, followed by in country visit to the three Project farms in DPRK and ended on the 11th June, 2005 with debriefing at FAO RAP, Bangkok. In DPRK, the Mission met with the Assistant FAO Representative, the SPFS team, PMU, senior Government officials, relevant UN agencies in Pyongyang, and target beneficiaries in the 3 cooperative farms and verified the Project components directly. On leaving DPRK, the Mi ssion debriefed the FAO Representative for DPRK, who is resident in Beijing, followed by debriefing at the FAO RAP in Bangkok. -
DocumentManagement reponse to recommendations GCP/RAS/180/JPN (GCSP/BGD033/JPN; GCSP/LAO/011/JPN; GCSP/SRL/049/JPN AND GCSP/INS/073/JPN) Japan-funded SPFS projects in Asia 2008
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