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Community Listeners’ Clubs - Stepping Stones for Action in Rural Areas

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    Les clubs d'écoute communautaires - Un tremplin pour l'action en milieu rural
    Un tremplin pour l'action en milieu rural
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    Cette publication fait le récit de l¿expérience unique des clubs d¿écoute communautaires mis en place au Niger et en République démocratique du Congo par la FAO-Dimitra et ses partenaires. Mécanismes d¿information et de communication centrés sur l¿action, ces clubs ont remporté un succès tel que Dimitra a souhaité partager l¿expérience. Le premier chapitre présente de façon succincte les clubs d¿écoute communautaires, leur fi nalité, leur fonctionnement interne et les résultats obtenus. Le deuxième chapitre inscrit son récit au plus proche des initiatives des communautés, en donnant la parole aux protagonistes et en racontant la création des clubs d¿écoute dans les deux pays. Le troisième chapitre fournit des orientations plus pratiques sur les étapes de création des clubs d¿écoute communautaires.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Dimitra Clubs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: improving the prospects for local peace
    A community-driven model reinforcing conflict prevention and resilience in the Tanganyika Province
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    The Tanganyika province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is among the most affected by food insecurity and malnutrition and some of its territories are in Emergency (IPC Phase 4). In addition to conflict, food insecurity is caused by a decline in agricultural production due to fall armyworm (particularly in maize-growing areas), floods and insufficient rains, and limited access to land and inputs. Intercommunal rivalries between the Bantu and the Twa—sparked in 2014 during a struggle over natural resources—have worsened since 2016. Resulting armed conflicts have wiped out the few remaining social infrastructures, leading to a climate of terror and the displacement of more than 600 000 Bantu and Twa. Social cohesion, especially in the territories of Nyunzu and Kabalo, is under serious threat. Against this background, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) launched a joint programme in 2016 to boost agricultural production, strengthen livelihoods, promote access to basic markets and support the prospects for local peace. As agriculture employs over 70 percent of the country´s population, investments in agricultural livelihoods and food security provide the most promising foundation toward improving the lives of the poor. As part of this programme, FAO implemented the Dimitra Clubs, a gender-transformative approach toward empowerment and community mobilization, aimed at improving rural livelihoods and gender equality through collective action and self-help.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Dimitra Newsletter no 14, 2008. Rural Women and Development.
    Rural radios and participatory communication
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    Among the experiences shared in this newsletter, we would like to focus on Dimitra and its partners’ work in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the field of rural radio and participatory communication. A rural radio and listeners’ club project, conducted in South Kivu province with SAMWAKI and GTZ-Santé, is getting well underway and is triggering a lot of interest. In particular the sharing of solar radios between women members of the listeners’ clubs and their families and the development of information messages in cooperation with the rural population itself, are proving their worth in boosting the role of rural women and men as actors in their own development.

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