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Decent rural employment in different farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Book (series)
    Decent Rural Employment, Productivity Effects and Poverty Reduction in sub-Saharan Africa 2016
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    Promoting decent rural employment, by creating new jobs in rural areas and upgrading the existing ones, could be one of the most efficient pathways to reduce rural poverty. This paper systematically investigates the impact of decent rural employment on agricultural production efficiency in sub-Saharan African countries, taking Ethiopia and Tanzania as case countries. The analysis applies an output-oriented distance function approach with an estimation procedure that accounts for different techn ological, demographic, socio-economic, institutional and decent rural employment indicators. Data of the most recent round of Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) for the two countries are used, and a set of indicators are derived to proxy core dimensions of decent rural employment. The findings of our analysis show that decent rural employment contributes to agricultural production efficiency.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Decent rural employment and productivity of family labour 2017
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    Agricultural labour productivity and decent employment are interlinked. Data show that in countries with higher agricultural productivity, the agricultural workforce faces a lower probability to be unemployed, poor or in vulnerable employment. This indicates that decent work gaps in agriculture can be addressed by increasing labour productivity. To do so, FAO works to improve the skills of the agricultural workforce through trainings and education, with particular emphasis on youth, helping them adapt to ongoing and future labour market demands. This enhances the ability of rural dweller to engage in high quality jobs and increases their mobility within the agricultural sector and towards agriculture-related activities. Altogether, this will foster inclusive rural development.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Social protection and decent rural employment 2015
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    This 2 pager highlights the positive impact of social protection on employment outcomes. It also describes FAO’s work to promote access to social protection in rural areas while seeking to strengthen synergies with the creation of decent rural employment.

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