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Kazakhstan: Technical Assistance to the Sunflower Seed Sector

Report Series - N. 14 - September 2009

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    Ukraine: Review of the Sunflower Oil Sector - 2004 Update and Mid-Term Strategy
    Report N. 10 - August 2005
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    This publication is part of report series published under the FAO Investment Centre/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Cooperation Programme. The series presents sector reviews and studies undertaken in Central and Eastern Europe that cover development issues and innovative areas to increase investment in agriculture in the region. This publication provides an update to the FAO Investment Centre/EBRD Report No. 2: Ukraine: Review of the Sunflower Oil Sector (2002). It also inc ludes a mid-term strategy for the Ukrainian oilseeds sector, prepared in close collaboration with a wide range of public and private stakeholders. Between 2002 and 2005, EBRD continued to invest in the Ukrainian oilseed sector and asked FAO to pursue its efforts to promote a more active and transparent policy dialogue between local private stakeholders and Ukraines policy makers. Based on this report, the Government of Ukraine has started to implement some of the policy recommendations put forwa rd, in particular the progressive reduction of Ukraines export tax of oilseeds. The report provides useful background information for commodity analysts, financial institutions wishing to invest in the oilseed sector and governments of oilseed producing countries.
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    Ukraine: Review of the Sunflower Oil - Sector Review
    Report N. 2 - November 2002
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    In this report, we present a review of the oilseed production and processing sector in Ukraine. We begin by analysing oilseed, oil and meal supply and demand, and concentrate more specifically on sunflower seed. We then proceed to discuss the main policy issues that currently have an impact in the crushing sector. Throughout this report, it will become apparent that three key issues affect the crushing sector: a severe lack of credit; the 17% export tax, which reduces the domestic price of s eed; and the failure to reimburse value added tax for oil product exporters, which places a considerable burden on crushers.
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    Highlights on four livestock sub-sectors in Kazakhstan: The Wool sector 2010
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    The wool sector in Kazakhstan reached its highest point at the end of the 1980s. Sheep population amounted to 35 million head, while wool production exceeded 100 000 tonnes corresponding to 4 percent of the world total. Half of the flock consisted of registered pure-bred sheep, specialized in the production of fine wool (accounting for 60 percent of total wool production). Most of these sheep were concentrated in large-scale enterprises. A transhumant raising system was practised, with animals m oving annually to remote mountainous and desert pastures where infrastructure (watering, staff houses, sheds, artificial insemination facilities, etc.) existed. A centralized system of wool procurement (zagotkontory) worked with the large-scale kolhozes and sovhozes and with household farms (HHFs). Most of the wool was processed locally in large and fully integrated plants ranging in size from 500 to a few thousand employees. At that time, Kazakhstan wool and woollen goods were delivered through out the Soviet Union. The Red Army (for blankets and overcoats) and other Statecontrolled organizations (militia, the railway, etc.) were important customers.

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