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A Regional Strategy for Sustainable Hybrid Rice Development in Asia

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    Rice is the staple food of about half the world’s population. More than 90 percent of rice consumers live in Asia. Rice plays an important role in ensuring food security, and contributing to poverty and malnutrition alleviation in Asia and the world. As the world’s population continues to increase, there will be further demand on the rice supply. In consideration of these developments, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Asia-Pacific Seed Association jointly organized a regi onal expert consultation on hybrid rice development in Asia in Bangkok, Thailand from 2 to 3 July 2014, attended by more than 70 participants. This publication is the proceedings of the regional consultation.
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    A regional rice strategy for sustainable food security in Asia and the Pacific 2014
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    The 31st Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) held in Hanoi in March 2012 called upon FAO to coordinate the development of a rice strategy for the region. To respond to the call, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific formed a special task force to formulate a rice strategy through the mobilization of its internally available technical expertise as well as an advisory group of eminent experts called "The External Rice Advisory Group (ERAG)." This publi cation presents the outcome of the task force. The main aim of the strategy document is to provide evidence-based strategic guidelines to member nations to help them (1) develop and adjust their rice sector strategies in the light of broader regional and global trends and national priorities and (2) choose among key strategic options while considering the implied trade-offs (or consequences). The outputs are presented in the form of strategic options and the implied trade-offs (or consequences) instead of being prescriptive. The intention is to enrich the strategy and policy formulation deliberations of member countries for achieving sustainable food security.

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