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The State of Food and Agriculture, 1997

The agroprocessing industry and economic development

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    Strategic analysis and intervention plan for fresh and industrial tomato in the Agro-Commodities Procurement Zone of the pilot Integrated Agro-Industrial Park in Central-Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia 2019
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    With the current Second Growth and Transformation Plan (2015-2020), the Government of Ethiopia expects the agro-industrial sector to play key role in economic growth of the Country. Accordingly, the creation of Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks has been identified as one of the key mechanisms for accelerating the development of the sector and the structural transformation of agriculture. Agro-industrial parks will play a significant role in transitioning Ethiopia from an agricultural-led into an industrial-led economy. In view of that, the development of Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks has been prioritized in Ethiopia’s national development strategy and four Agro Industrial Growth Corridors have been selected for piloting the establishment of four Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks. The initiative aims at driving the structural transformation of the Ethiopian economy while reducing rural poverty and creating a better environment for increased investments in agro-processing and allied sectors. Since 1981, FAO has been a strong partner of the Government of Ethiopia towards the achievement of national food security and economic growth goals. FAO is working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources to empower value chain actors and to promote inclusive, efficient and sustainable agricultural value chains. The present document is the fourth one of a series of detailed analyses of prioritized commodities, which will lead to inclusive, sustainable and stronger agricultural value chains in the Agro-Commodities Procurement Zone of the pilot Integrated Agro-Industrial Park in Central-Eastern Oromia.
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    Book (series)
    La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et l'agriculture, 1997
    Les industries agroalimentaires et le developpement economique
    Le SOFA cette année rend compte de nombreuses initiatives entreprises récemment ou renforcées pour affronter les multiples dimensions de la sécurité alimentaire, y compris par la formulation et la coordination de la mise en œuvre de programmes intégrés de sécurité alimentaire. Saluons également le fait que, après des premiers signaux positifs, de nombreux pays pauvres ont vu leurs perspectives de sécurité alimentaire s’améliorer pour avoir réussi à créer un environnement de politique propice à u ne croissance économique et agricole soutenue. Si les problèmes économiques et de sécurité alimentaire demeurent graves en Afrique, les progrès accomplis dans une grande partie de la région au cours des deux dernières années sont particulièrement réconfortants. En outre, un certain nombre de pays d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes, d’Asie et du Pacifique semblent être entrés dans une phase de croissance aux bases solides, soutenue souvent par de bons résultats du secteur agricole. Le fait que de nombreuses économies tributaires des exportations de denrées ont montré une bonne capacité de réaction face au fléchissement des prix de plusieurs produits de base depuis 1994-95, est une constatation importante et encourageante pour l’année passée. Le chapitre spécial de la Situation de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture de cette année est consacré à l’agroalimentaire et à ses liens symbiotiques avec le développement économique et agricole et rural.
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    Book (series)
    The State of Food and Agriculture, 2000
    Lessons from the past 50 years
    The State of Food and Agriculture 2000 reports only very modest growth in world agricultural production in 1998, and the estimates for 1999 do not appear to indicate any improvement. Particularly for the developing countries, where the performance of the agricultural sector is of special concern, prospects for 1999 are for a noticeable slowdown in crop and livestock production - reflecting a negative trend that is now in its third consecutive year. It has been a difficult period for many of thes e countries, which have been facing unusually adverse climatic conditions, together with the negative economic impact of the financial crisis that erupted in 1997, declining prices of several of their major commodity exports and, in a number of cases, political instability and conflicts. Food supply disruptions associated with these problems have led to the outbreak or persistence of serious food emergency situations in a large number of countries - currently more than 30 - around the world. The close of a millennium is an opportune time for studying the past with a view to seeking lessons for the future. In its special chapter, "World food and agriculture: lessons from the past 50 years", The State of Food and Agriculture 2000 reflects on humankind's achievements and failures in fighting poverty and hunger over the past half-century - a theme that stimulates both historic and prospective thought.

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