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ProjectReef Fish Resources Survey in the Maldives -Phase II-BOBP/WP/80 1992
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No results found.This paper describes the second phase of a reef fish resources survey carried out in the Maldives and presents preliminary estimates of reef fish densities and maximum potential yields. This follows an earlier phase carried out during 1987-88 in North Male Atoll from the research vessel Faruinas (Van der Knaap et all 991) of the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture. That first survey phase established that handli.nes and longlines are the best gear for catching Maldivian reef fish, it collected a considerable quantity of information of value for long-terni stock assessment and for potential developers, and it made a first estimate of potential yields from N. Male Atoll. The second phase was conducted in Shaviyani, Alifu and laaniu Atolls during 1989-91. Species compositions and catch rates for the major gear and fishing areas were established, regional and seasonal differences were noted and a considerable quantity of information on the biological characteristics of commercial speci es was collected. Preliminary estimates indicate a maximum potential yield of commercial reef fish (i.e. medium to large snapper, grouper, emperor and reefassociated jack)of the order of 30,000 ± 13,000 t/year. The atoll basins (which constitute by far the largest part of the Maldivian atolls) are identified as having relatively large reef fish resources. The deep reef slopes outside the atolls support some high value species, hut their total potential yield is relatively small. It must, howev er, be noted that the stock assessment presented here is only of a preliminary nature and if the reef fishery is to be expanded, possibilities for which appear to be good, detailed monitoring wifl he required to make a more precise stock assessment. The effort of several persons who worked on this survey need to be acknowledged. The staff of the Marine Research Section, particularly Hussein Shareef, Au Waheed, Ahmed Shareef, Ibrahim Naeem, Hussein Zahir, gave assistance with fieldwork and data compilation. Ali Naeem of MOFA assisted with the installation and the maintenance of electronic equipment on Farumas. The skippers (Yoosuf Idrees, Ibrahim Naseem, Adam Fulhu, Abdul Ghanee) and crew of Farumas cheerfully carried out the fieldwork, often in conditions that were far from ideal. Maizan Hassan Maniku, Lars Engvall, K. Sivasubramaniam, Martin Van der Knaap, Janne Fogeigren and Michel Kulbicki contributed by making useful comments on an early draft of this report. Constructive comment s were also received from Drs. Daniel Pauly and Jeffrey Polovina. -
ProjectManual Boat Hauling Devices in The Maldives-BOBP/WP/71 1992
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No results found.The Republic of Maldives, where fishing is a major industry, has a fleet of about 5500 traditional fishing craft. Most of them are in the 8-15 m range in length. As these craft, built with local and imported timber, are not coated with antifouling paints or sheathed to protect the timber, they are hauled on to the beach at least once a month for scraping of the hull and application of protective oil. Traditionally, the boats are hauled on to the beach by 50-80 men and women pulling the ends of a rope attached to the stern and the sides of the boat. With labour becoming scarce in the atolls because of migration to tourist resort islands in search of more remunerative work, the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture of the Maldives (MOFA) requested the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) to develop simple low-cost manual hauling devices which would help to reduce the hauling crew. This paper documents the devices developed and the favourable reactions of the local fisherfolk. This paper i s the result of contributions made by MOFA staff, BOBP staff, Varuna Construction and Design Company, Madras, and all those who regularly hauled the boats on to the beach during trials in Madras, and the fisherfolk of the Maldives, both men and women, who participated in the trials. -
ProjectReview of the Beche De Mer (Sea Cucumber) Fishery in the Maldives-BOBP/WP/79 1992
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No results found.This paper is a review of the beche de mer (sea cucumber) fishery in the Maldives. The review was undertaken in view of the potential of the fishery for further development as well as the vulnerability of the resource to uncontrolled exploitation. Data and information for the review were gathered in the Maldives during a one month period in May/June 1991. The review was carried out by a Programme Officer of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). Assistance received by him, from Mr. Hassan Maniku Maizan (Director of Fisheries Research and Development in Male) and Dr. R.C. Andersson, FAO/BOBP Fishery Biologist, in overall planning of the study, from Mr. Hassan Shakeel (Fishery Resources Officer of the Marine Research Section, Male), in logistics and interpretation, from Mr. Abdullah Waiz (of the Marine Research Section, Male), in the collection of information from exporters, from Mr. Ahmed Hafiz (of the Marine Research Section, Male) and from numerous fishermen and exporters, in the provi sion of information, is gratefully acknowledged. The review and this paper which reports on it have been sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme and were executed by the Bay of Bengal Programme.
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