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Agrošumarski zasadi za održivo korišćenje zemljišta

GCP-SRB-007-GFF: Enabling environment at policy, field and market levels for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in Serbia

FAO. 2024. Agrošumarski zasadi za održivo korišćenje zemljišta. Belgrade.

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    The project’s objective was to promote the restoration of degraded landscapes in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Ukraine by scaling up integrated natural resources management practices. The project was particularly relevant in terms of environmental degradation and climate change, as it took important first steps towards a land degradation neutrality monitoring system and integrated land use management plans in Ukraine, thus contributing to the enhanced integration of environmental policy into governance systems.Despite challenges caused by the ongoing war, the project’s activities and incentives stand out as good practices to replicate. The project significantly implemented successful capacity building, which led to increased information sharing and the development of draft laws on environmental protection. Numerous demonstration and capacity building activities on good conservation agricultural practices and enhanced technologies like no till drill, subsurface drip irrigation, crop rotation and sustainable shelterbelt management generated greater awareness. In addition, promising income generation activities for women were implemented successfully.
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