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Improving capacity for fisheries planning and management in the South-Central Mediterranean - GCP/INT/269/EC

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    Supporting Fisheries Management in Western and Central Mediterranean Countries - GCP/INT/317/EC 2020
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    Various scientific studies have shown that many fish populations in the Mediterranean are subject to excessive exploitation, with signs of overfishing and overcapacity, degradation of living resources, loss of income for fishers, and reduction of marine resources in certain areas. Against this background, Phase II of the CopeMed project (the first phase was implemented from 1996 to 2005) aimed to strengthen science-based fisheries management through enhanced technical-scientific capacities, and the promotion of scientific cooperation among participating countries in the central and western Mediterranean subregions. The current project, which represented the ninth year of the second phase, aimed to consolidate and build on the achievements obtained so far. The participating countries were Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia.
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    Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Western-Central Mediterranean - GCP/INT/028/SPA 2023
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    Phase II of the CopeMedproject was designed to build upon the results achieved during Phase I, which took place between 1996 and 2005. The main objective of the project, which was co-funded by the Government of Spain and the European Union, was to strengthen regional cooperation in support of the sustainable management of fisheries, in a region where marine fishing resources are shared among countries with different socio-economic, cultural and development levels. The strengthening of research and institutional capacities in participating countries contributed to the provision of better scientific advice. In cooperation with other FAO regional projects, and in collaboration with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), the ultimate aim was to contribute to the sustainability of marine fisheries and of the ecosystem in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea, taking into consideration environmental, biological, economic, social and institutional issues in scientific advice to fisheries management. The participating countries were Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Celebrating 20 years and more of regional cooperation in support of fisheries management in the Adriatic Sea and the south-central Mediterranean 2021
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    AdriaMed and MedSudMed are FAO-implemented projects that are strengthening scientific cooperation towards sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the central Mediterranean Sea. Over 20 years of activity, AdriaMed and MedSudMed have engendered a sense of identity, ownership and pride among project participants. The projects have played a catalyzing role, developing the interest of the participating countries in regional cooperation and securing their commitment to it. By focusing on shared resources, AdriaMed and MedSudMed have drawn the attention of the Mediterranean countries to the importance of cooperative studies, multilateral and multi-stakeholder discussions and, ultimately, the joint management of fisheries and harmonized development of aquaculture. Over more than 20 years, AdriaMed and MedSudMed have established a solid cooperative framework and a unified approach to fisheries management. Participating countries are encouraged to agree on the way forward in research and sustainable use of fisheries resources, thereby implementing the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. By encouraging regional cooperation, strengthening national capacity and implementing pioneer actions, AdriaMed and MedSudMed have adopted a novel approach to advancing and contributing to the work and growth of the FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). The projects are inspiring other regions of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea to achieve similar levels of cooperation, trust and results. The widely admired attitude of cooperation that characterizes the AdriaMed and MedSudMed projects provides a solid foundation for continued work towards applying the FAO CCRF in view of a "blue transformation" and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The brochure highlights some of the Projects achievements to contribute to disseminate lessons learnt and inspire further projects development.

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