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Poster, bannerRole of Women in Improving Household Nutrition 2017
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This infographic is an output of a project to enhance the role of women in improving the level of household nutrition. The project components are: a Community Nutrition Kitchen, Home Food Processing, Women-Friendly and Landless Gardens, Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools, and Entrepreneurship and a Revolving Fund. The theme of the infographic is: "What they learn and how they can benefit from the messages". -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetPromoting the economic empowerment of rural women for improved food security and nutrition in the Niger
Improving resilience through knowledge sharing and the provision of productive assets in Dosso and Maradi regions
2023Also available in:
The project was implemented using integrated approaches and community-based platforms – particularly Farmer Field Schools (FFS), Dimitra Clubs and local radio stations – which facilitate the empowerment and capacity building of rural women in vulnerable situations, as well as their access to and control of productive resources. These platforms were used to facilitate diversified food production, storage, trade and consumption, including through community food and nutrition education sessions and knowledge sharing, community cooking demonstrations, local food processing training, the provision of diverse productive assets and labour-saving technologies, as well as food sales to school canteens. Tailored support to women’s groups, including in terms of income, knowledge and practices, was a strong focus throughout. This good practice focuses on the project Accelerating Progress towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women aimed at securing rural women’s livelihoods and rights in the Dosso and Maradi regions of the Niger. -
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