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Personal security awareness and preparedness to mitigate gender-based violence

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    How can food security interventions contribute to reducing gender-based violence? 2016
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    Addressing GBV in FAO’s interventions is important not only because it hinders agriculture, food and nutrition security, but also given that all agencies of the United Nations have a shared responsibility to protect individuals from human rights violations such as GBV. The guidance note gives a definition of GBV and provides guidance for practical steps to take throughout the project cycle to better integrate GBV prevention and mitigation into food security and agriculture interventions.
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    Protection from gender-based violence in food and nutrition security interventions 2018
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    The purpose of this Guide is to equip FAO and its partners with information on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) relevant to their work and provide practical guidance on how to design and deliver food security and nutrition programmes in ways that prevent and mitigate GBV and contribute to the protection of survivors and those at risk. In view of the Organization’s specific areas of competence in food security, nutrition, and agricultural livelihoods, this Guide will focus on GBV issues in this context. All staff should endeavour to understand the contents of this Guide and follow its recommendations to ensure FAO creates safe and sustainable livelihood opportunities that can truly build resilience. The Guide is a living document that will continue to evolve as FAO accumulates experiences and lessons learned in an ever-changing working environment.

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