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ProjectAméliorer la Gestion des Oiseaux d’Eau et de leur Habitat Naturel en Égypte, au Sénégal et au Tchad - TCP/INT/3505 2019
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The wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa have been subject to significantanthropogenic pressures, which have been exacerbated by increasinghuman population and risks associated with global climate change.Wetlands resources are especially used for agriculture, livestock,fishing, hunting, salt exploitation, mining and ecotourism. For manylocal people, waterbirds are a direct source of protein, as well as asource of financial income. However, the current exploitation of thewaterbird resource, particularly migratory species, was notsustainable. Against this background, the project developed a set ofpilot activities to ensure the sustainability of exploiting migratorywaterbirds in sites chosen among the wetlands of internationalimportance in three target countries: Chad, Egypt and Senegal.The wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa have been subject to significantanthropogenic pressures, which have been exacerbated by increasinghuman population and risks associated with global climate change.Wetlands resources are especially used for agriculture, livestock,fishing, hunting, salt exploitation, mining and ecotourism. For manylocal people, waterbirds are a direct source of protein, as well as asource of financial income. However, the current exploitation of thewaterbird resource, particularly migratory species, was notsustainable. Against this background, the project developed a set ofpilot activities to ensure the sustainability of exploiting migratorywaterbirds in sites chosen among the wetlands of internationalimportance in three target countries: Chad, Egypt and Senegal. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFiche de présentation Projet "Renforcement des capacités de suivi de la diversité et des transformations des exploitations agricoles pour améliorer la formulation de politiques et le conseil agricole" TCP/INT/3504 2017
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No results found.This fact sheet presents the Project "Strengthening Capacity for Monitoring Diversity and Transformations of Farms to Improve Policy Development and Agricultural Advice" TCP / INT / 3504 by providing information on objectives, achievements, beneficiaries, activities, implementing partners, results and impacts. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetRenforcement de la filière coquillage au Sénégal à travers la mise aux normes sanitaires et phytosanitaires (SPS) afin de promouvoir la sécurité sanitaire des coquillages et leur accès aux marchés régional et international
Code Projet: MFT/SEN/079/STF
2022Also available in:
No results found.Le projet "Renforcement de la filière coquillage au Sénégal à travers la mise aux normes Sanitaires et Phytosanitaires (SPS) afin de promouvoir la sé-curité sanitaire des coquillages et leur accès aux marchés régional et international" est mis en oeuvre pour développer au Sénégal une filière des coquillages conforme aux exigences sanitaires et environnementales internationales, dont la production accède aux marchés national, régional et international. Le projet vise aussi à améliorer les conditions de vie des populations conchylicoles majoritairement constituées de femmes et d’hommes jeunes et pauvres.
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