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Report of the 2nd meeting of the Eastmed co-ordination committee

Antalya, Turkey, 5-6 April 2011

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    EastMed Technical Documents - No 17 Report of the 4th Meeting of the Eastmed Co-Ordination Committee Rome, Italy 4 - 5 April 2013 2013
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    The fourth Coordination Committee Meeting of the EastMed Project was held in FAO HQ, Rome, Italy from 4 to 5 April. The meeting was attended by delegations from Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza Strip & West Bank, Greece, Italy, Lebanon and Turkey, as well as an expert from Syria and staff from FAO HQ, FAO Mediterranean sub-regional projects and the GFCM. After the opening of the meeting and election of the chairperson, the activities during the 3rd year of the project were presented, followed by the pro posals of activities for the 4th year from each country. The participants expressed their satisfaction with the project and thanked both the staff of the project and the donors for their contribution. The agreed work plan for the 4th year includes training and support in data collection, data analyses, activities aiming in strengthening stakeholders’ awareness and activities in promoting regional participation and cooperation. The tasks of the project will be the follow up of the activitie s which had started in the previous years such as activities in fisheries data collection and analysis, in institutional strengthening and capacity building, as well as new activities which are focused more on the regional co-operation between the countries such as the 2nd permanent Working Group on Stock Assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean and the study on Deep water demersal resources. EastMed, finally, will continue to support the participation of experts from the project’s area at t he meetings of the FAO-GFCM and other relevant regional/international organizations. The EastMed Project, in close cooperation with the other Mediterranean sub-regional projects, will continue to find synergies among the various activities in the region.
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    Report of the 3rd meeting of the Eastmed co-ordination Commitee
    Bari, Italy, 19-20 April 2012
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    The third coordination meeting of the EastMed project was held in Bari, Italy, from 19 to 20 April 2012 under the kind invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF) of Italy. The meeting was attended by delegations from Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza Strip & West Bank, Greece, Italy, Lebanon and Turkey, as well as a representative of the EC and staff from FAO HQ, FAO Mediterranean sub-regional projects and the GFCM. After the opening of the meeting and election of the chair person, the activities during the 2nd year of the project were presented, followed by the proposals of activities for the 3rd year from each country. The participants expressed their satisfaction with the project and thanked both the staff of the project and the donors for their contribution. The agreed work plan for the 3rd year includes training and support in data collection, data analyses, activities aiming in strengthening stakeholders’ awareness and activities in promoting regional partici pation and cooperation. The tasks of the project will be the development of a web-based licensing system and a feasibility study for new fishing vessel designs in Lebanon, training on socio-economics in Egypt and Turkey, pilot activities on data collection in Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Turkey, development of the clams fishery in Egypt, experimental trials using alternative fishing techniques in Lebanon as well as training on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. The 2nd permanent Working Group on Fi sh Stock Assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean and a Working Group on deep water demersal resources will also be held. EastMed finally, will continue to support the participation of experts from the project’s area at the meeting of the FAO-GFCM and other relevant regional/international organizations. The EastMed project, in close cooperation with the other Mediterranean sub-regional projects, will continue to find synergies among the various activities in the region.
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    Report of the 5th Meeting of the EastMed Co-ordination Commitee, Rome, Italy 6 - 7 May 2014 2014
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    The fifth Co-ordination Committee Meeting of the EastMed Project was held in FAO HQ, Rome, Italy from 6 to 7 May 2014. The meeting was attended by delegations from Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza Strip & West Bank, Greece, Italy, Lebanon and Turkey, as well as staff from FAO HQ, FAO Mediterranean sub-regional projects and the GFCM. After the opening of the meeting and election of the chairperson, the activities during the 4th year of the project were presented, followed by the workplan of activities for the next period. The participants expressed their satisfaction with the project and thanked both the staff of the project and the donors for their contribution. The agreed work plan for the next period includes training and support in data collection, data analyses, activities aiming in strengthening stakeholders’ awareness and activities in promoting regional participation and cooperation. The tasks of the project will be the follow up of the activities which had started in the previous years’ suc h as activities in fisheries data collection and analysis, in institutional strengthening and capacity building, as well as new activities which are focused more on the regional co-operation between the countries such as the permanent Working Group on Stock Assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean and the workshop on Lagocephalus sceleratus. EastMed, finally, will continue to support the participation of experts from the project’s area at the meetings of the FAO-GFCM and other relevant regional/i nternational organizations. The EastMed Project, in close cooperation with the other Mediterranean sub-regional projects, will continue to find synergies among the various activities in the region.

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