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Agenda: How has supporting MSMES to operate legally and sustainably improved forest governance and livelihoods?

Event hosted by the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme in collaboration with the European Forest Institute

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    Poster, banner
    Programme: En quoi le soutien apporté aux MPME pour qu’elles puissent travailler légalement et durablement a-t-il amélioré la gouvernance forestière et les moyens de subsistance?
    Webinar organisé par le Programme FAO-UE FLEGT en collaboration avec l’Institut européen de la forêt
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    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in meeting the growing demand for timber products worldwide and can support the fight against illegality by providing a source of legal, traceable timber. Equipping MSMEs with the relevant business management skills together with the knowledge and competences necessary to comply with regulations generates transformational changes which extend beyond the duration of projects. These changes not only improve legality in the timber market, but contribute to sustaining livelihoods. The webinar will explore how changes in forest-management practices generated through the support of the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme and the European Forest Institute (EFI) have increased market access, enhanced the competitiveness of MSMEs, whilst reducing their vulnerability to shifts on the international and domestic market. It will discuss the experiences of MSMEs who have benefited from FAO and EFI support and provide "food for thought” for future interventions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Poster, banner
    Programa: ¿Cómo han mejorado la gobernanza forestal y los medios de vida gracias al apoyo prestado a las mipymes para que operen dentro de la legalidad y de manera sostenible?
    Evento virtual organizado por el Programa FAO-UE FLEGT en colaboración con el Instituto Forestal Europeo
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    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in meeting the growing demand for timber products worldwide and can support the fight against illegality by providing a source of legal, traceable timber. Equipping MSMEs with the relevant business management skills together with the knowledge and competences necessary to comply with regulations generates transformational changes which extend beyond the duration of projects. These changes not only improve legality in the timber market, but contribute to sustaining livelihoods. The webinar will explore how changes in forest-management practices generated through the support of the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme and the European Forest Institute (EFI) have increased market access, enhanced the competitiveness of MSMEs, whilst reducing their vulnerability to shifts on the international and domestic market. It will discuss the experiences of MSMEs who have benefited from FAO and EFI support and provide "food for thought” for future interventions.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Colombia: Building the capacities of MSMEs to supply legal timber to the domestic market
    FAO-EU FLEGT Programme: Success story
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    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role in Colombia’s domestic timber market but lack awareness of legal requirements and the skills to comply with them. The FAO-EU Forest LawEnforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme partnered with the Federación de Industriales de la Madera (FEDEMADERAS) to build the capacities of 61 MSMEs on legal, environmental and fiscal requirements and to link small timber operators to legal timber suppliers.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Poster, banner
    Programme: En quoi le soutien apporté aux MPME pour qu’elles puissent travailler légalement et durablement a-t-il amélioré la gouvernance forestière et les moyens de subsistance?
    Webinar organisé par le Programme FAO-UE FLEGT en collaboration avec l’Institut européen de la forêt
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    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in meeting the growing demand for timber products worldwide and can support the fight against illegality by providing a source of legal, traceable timber. Equipping MSMEs with the relevant business management skills together with the knowledge and competences necessary to comply with regulations generates transformational changes which extend beyond the duration of projects. These changes not only improve legality in the timber market, but contribute to sustaining livelihoods. The webinar will explore how changes in forest-management practices generated through the support of the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme and the European Forest Institute (EFI) have increased market access, enhanced the competitiveness of MSMEs, whilst reducing their vulnerability to shifts on the international and domestic market. It will discuss the experiences of MSMEs who have benefited from FAO and EFI support and provide "food for thought” for future interventions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Poster, banner
    Programa: ¿Cómo han mejorado la gobernanza forestal y los medios de vida gracias al apoyo prestado a las mipymes para que operen dentro de la legalidad y de manera sostenible?
    Evento virtual organizado por el Programa FAO-UE FLEGT en colaboración con el Instituto Forestal Europeo
    Also available in:

    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in meeting the growing demand for timber products worldwide and can support the fight against illegality by providing a source of legal, traceable timber. Equipping MSMEs with the relevant business management skills together with the knowledge and competences necessary to comply with regulations generates transformational changes which extend beyond the duration of projects. These changes not only improve legality in the timber market, but contribute to sustaining livelihoods. The webinar will explore how changes in forest-management practices generated through the support of the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme and the European Forest Institute (EFI) have increased market access, enhanced the competitiveness of MSMEs, whilst reducing their vulnerability to shifts on the international and domestic market. It will discuss the experiences of MSMEs who have benefited from FAO and EFI support and provide "food for thought” for future interventions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Colombia: Building the capacities of MSMEs to supply legal timber to the domestic market
    FAO-EU FLEGT Programme: Success story
    Also available in:
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    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role in Colombia’s domestic timber market but lack awareness of legal requirements and the skills to comply with them. The FAO-EU Forest LawEnforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme partnered with the Federación de Industriales de la Madera (FEDEMADERAS) to build the capacities of 61 MSMEs on legal, environmental and fiscal requirements and to link small timber operators to legal timber suppliers.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Poster, banner
    Programme: En quoi le soutien apporté aux MPME pour qu’elles puissent travailler légalement et durablement a-t-il amélioré la gouvernance forestière et les moyens de subsistance?
    Webinar organisé par le Programme FAO-UE FLEGT en collaboration avec l’Institut européen de la forêt
    Also available in:

    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in meeting the growing demand for timber products worldwide and can support the fight against illegality by providing a source of legal, traceable timber. Equipping MSMEs with the relevant business management skills together with the knowledge and competences necessary to comply with regulations generates transformational changes which extend beyond the duration of projects. These changes not only improve legality in the timber market, but contribute to sustaining livelihoods. The webinar will explore how changes in forest-management practices generated through the support of the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme and the European Forest Institute (EFI) have increased market access, enhanced the competitiveness of MSMEs, whilst reducing their vulnerability to shifts on the international and domestic market. It will discuss the experiences of MSMEs who have benefited from FAO and EFI support and provide "food for thought” for future interventions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Poster, banner
    Programa: ¿Cómo han mejorado la gobernanza forestal y los medios de vida gracias al apoyo prestado a las mipymes para que operen dentro de la legalidad y de manera sostenible?
    Evento virtual organizado por el Programa FAO-UE FLEGT en colaboración con el Instituto Forestal Europeo
    Also available in:

    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in meeting the growing demand for timber products worldwide and can support the fight against illegality by providing a source of legal, traceable timber. Equipping MSMEs with the relevant business management skills together with the knowledge and competences necessary to comply with regulations generates transformational changes which extend beyond the duration of projects. These changes not only improve legality in the timber market, but contribute to sustaining livelihoods. The webinar will explore how changes in forest-management practices generated through the support of the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme and the European Forest Institute (EFI) have increased market access, enhanced the competitiveness of MSMEs, whilst reducing their vulnerability to shifts on the international and domestic market. It will discuss the experiences of MSMEs who have benefited from FAO and EFI support and provide "food for thought” for future interventions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Colombia: Building the capacities of MSMEs to supply legal timber to the domestic market
    FAO-EU FLEGT Programme: Success story
    Also available in:
    No results found.

    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role in Colombia’s domestic timber market but lack awareness of legal requirements and the skills to comply with them. The FAO-EU Forest LawEnforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme partnered with the Federación de Industriales de la Madera (FEDEMADERAS) to build the capacities of 61 MSMEs on legal, environmental and fiscal requirements and to link small timber operators to legal timber suppliers.

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