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Book (series)Land Reform: Land settlement and cooperatives 2002/1 2002
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No results found.Land and land reform cover a great range, both in terms of the geographical and development status of the countries considered, and of the variety of perspectives on the issues. The articles in this issue of Land Reform, Land Resettlement and Cooperatives reflect this breadth in a variety of ways. The articles range geographically from the paper addressing land and agrarian reform in Colombia, by Professor Darío Fajardo, to a consideration of the land reforms currently under way in Scotland, by Douglas Macmillan, Ken Thomson and Bill Slee. It is interesting and important to remember that land reform is not solely confined to the developing or transitional world, and the breadth of articles in this edition reinforces that understanding. -
Book (series)Land Reform : Land settlement and cooperatives 2003/2 2003
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No results found.In this issue, we present a historical overview from the perspective of our Rural Development Division and colleagues of the Land Tenure Service. We begin with a contribution from Professor Riad El-Ghonemy, the former Chief of the Land Tenure Service and one of the originators of this bulletin back in the 1960s. He expounds his views on the challenges of land reform and on how these have changed over the past forty years. There then follow three articles, submitted in May 2003 to the 29th sessio n of the Committee on World Food Security, on the impact of access to land on improving food security and alleviating poverty. In the first, Professor Michael Carter of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the United States, deals with the design of land reform and land rights as instruments for alleviating poverty and enhancing food security. In the second article, Professor José-Eli da Veiga of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, recounts his country’s recent experience in land reform, while, in the third, Mr Edgar A. Guardian, Head of the Agrarian Reform Project in the Philippines, relates the experience of this project through which FAO’s Rural Development Division has supported land reform in the Philippines since 1990. -
Book (series)Land Reform: land settlement and cooperatives 2008/1 2009
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No results found.The articles in this volume supplement FAO Land Tenure Studies 10, Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation. The latter publication explains what compulsory acquisition and compensation are and what constitutes good practice in this area. This current volumes introductory article provides an overview of these issues. The issue of compulsory acquisition from a human rights perspective is also addressed here as are the concepts of market value, compensation value and just terms co mpensation. Articles that examine national experiences in Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Nigeria, Sweden and Turkey underline the global diversity of compulsory acquisition and compensation issues.
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