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LIBERIA - May 1996

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    Book (stand-alone)
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    An FAO Crop Assessment Mission visited Liberia from 26 November to 22 December 1995. Its purpose was to estimate 1995 food production and evaluate prospects for the food situation in 1996. The team visited eleven of the thirteen counties, using a helicopter to survey those areas which were not accessible by road and worked closely with both local and international NGOs. Even on the most optimistic reckoning, rice production in 1995 was only 23 percent of the pre-civil war level. Cassava pro duction has also been hit, possibly falling by as much as 50 percent. Extensive and continuous population displacement has left large tracts of agricultural land deserted. Insecurity in settled areas outside the ECOMOG controlled zone, has made it difficult for farmers to store seed for planting, and most have depended on emergency seed distribution programmes. Insecur ity has also discouraged weeding and crop protection activities in several of the high-potential settled areas. Cassava has prov ed to be more resilient to short term population displacement and the consequent neglect of crops. The mission’s es timates are highly tentative given that there has been no systematic survey of food production since 1989.
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    Book (series)
    A livelihoods analysis of coastal fisheries communities in Liberia. 2009
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    This FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular is based on a study carried out as a collaboration between the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Bureau of National Fisheries (BNF), Ministry of Agriculture, Monrovia, Liberia. The main aim of the study was to get relevant information on the livelihoods of the marine fisheries communities in Liberia to support the process of decision-making in the sector. This c ircular was prepared by Moustapha Kebe (FAO Livelihoods expert), Petter Jern (Socio- Economist, FAO FishCode STF Project), Raphael Collins, Wisseh Kay and Eric Kekula (Ministry of Agriculture – Bureau of National Fisheries), Liberia. Technical support for the study has been provided by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department and financial support has been provided through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (FAO FishCode STF Project) and the Department for Int ernational Development (FAO Sustainable Fisheries Livelihood Programme).
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Emergency response to outbreaks of transboundary noctuid moth caterpillar Achaea catocaloides in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea
    Achaea catocaloides Guenée, 1852
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    Achaea catocaloides (Guenée, 1852) (Erebidae) is a migratory, polyphagous forest insect that also attacks crops such as cocoa, coffee, citrus, plantain, mango, maize, groundnut, etc. Outbreaks were first reported in Africa, in Entebbe, Uganda, and DR Congo in 1930 (Pitman, 1930; Vinall, 1930). Since then, periodic irruptions occurred in tropical Africa, including Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea, Gabon, Cameroon, Liberia, Uganda, Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire. The moth is widespread in West, Central, and East Africa. In addition to causing damage to crops, this pest poses a risk of contaminating drinking water sources with caterpillars and their feces

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