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Journal, magazine, bulletinFood Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N°51 - November/December 2013 2013
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The cereal harvests, which are estimated to be above the five-year average in the Sahel region (+1%) and in the West Africa region (+16%) have spurred a seasonal price decrease in most markets. However, prices remain higher than their five-year averages in the eastern and western trade basins of the region, which affects the purchasing power of many vulnerable households, particularly in Chad, Niger and Ghana. The chronic vulnerability of populations, erosion of livelihoods after recurrent crise s (2008, 2010, and 2012), bad agro-pastoral productions in some areas, floods and other localized shocks ex-plain the food insecurity of 13 million people at the end of 2013, despite average harvests. Moreover, 4.5 million children suffer from acute malnutrition in West Africa and the Sahel region. The regional partners highlight the urgent need of rebuilding national food stocks and the implementation of appropriate responses which fit population needs, particularly those of refugees and food i nsecure households. The decrease in agricultural production in some areas in the Sahel may lead to food and nutrition insecurity, which must be closely monitored. -
Journal, magazine, bulletinFood Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N° 60 - October/November 2014 2014
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In the Sahel and in West Africa, the 2014-2015 agricultural campaign was characterized by a late onset and significant rainfall deficits in the western part of the Sahel (Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal) and areas in Mali, Niger and Chad. Cereal production (excluding Niger and Mali) is likely experiencing an increase of 4 percent compared to last year and 8 percent compared to the five-year average. However, disparities exist between countries, particularly in weste rn Sahel where a significant production decrease, of more than 32 percent in comparison to the five-year average, is expected. Livestock body condition is generally satisfactory following the rangeland regeneration except for areas where rainfall deficits were recorded in western Mauritania, northern Senegal and areas around Lake Chad. -
Journal, magazine, bulletinFood Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. January 2012 2014
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In Niger, the preliminary estimated results of the ‘rural and ur-ban household food insecurity and vulnerability’ survey were published January 13. The results show that, as of December 2011, over 5.4m persons (34,9 % of the population) were food insecure, of which 1.3m were severely food insecure. The child malnutrition rate is above the warning threshold in Niger. For instance, in the Western drought-affected region of Tillabéry, the global acute malnutrition rate is over 13% according to the preliminary results of the October 2011 nutrition survey, approaching the 15% emergency threshold.
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