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MeetingReport of the FAO/CECAF Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish – Subgroup South. Pointe Noire, Congo, 17-23 March 2014 / Rapport du Groupe de travail FAO/COPACE sur l’évaluation des petits poissons pélagiques : Sous-groupe Sud. Pointe Noire, Congo, 17-23 mars 2014 2015
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No results found.The third meeting of the FAO/CECAF Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish – Subgroup South was held in Pointe Noire, Congo, from 17 to23 March 2014. The overall objective of the Working Group is to contribute to the improved management of small pelagic resources in West Africa through the assessment of the state of the stocks and fisheries in 2014 to ensure sustainable use of these resources for the benefit of coastal countries, and give management advice to the fisheries adminis tration. The Working Group focused on data quality and on the analysis of trends in the basic data (catch, effort, abundance indices and length distribution) and trends in the fishery independent survey data. This reports contains an analysis of the trends in fisheries and fisheries independendent data and provides an update on the state of the pelagic stocks in the Southern CECAF region. The advice for the stocks is given in relation to the agreed biological reference points F0.1, FMSY, B0.1. Although important changes were observed in the abundance and exploitation level for some of the stocks, the overall general situation with respect to the state of the different stocks was found to be similar to that of 2009. -
Book (series)Rapport de la neuviéme session du Groupe de Travail de Coordination sur les statistiques de pêches de l'Atlantique. Dartmouth, Canada, 17-23 Aout 1977
1977Le présent document constitue le rapport de la neuvième session du Groupe de Travail de Coordination sur les statistiques des pêches de l’Atlantique (GTC), tenue au Secrétariat de la CIPAN, à Dartmouth, Nouvelle-Ecosse (Canada) du 17 au 23 aout 1977. Jusqu'à la fin de 1968, le GTC s'ape1lait "Groupe de travail permanent des statistiques des pêches pour 1a région de l 'Atlantique Nord"
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