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Characterization of the agricultural drought prone areas at global scale

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    Community seedbed for rice in drought prone areas of Bangladesh 2012
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    Choosing the optimum time for transplanting is a most essential prerequisite for rice cultivation, to ensure proper and optimal growth of plants and increase the yield and to synchronize cultivation practices for irrigation and control of pest, diseases or rats. T. aman (transplanted aman) rice is planted under rain fed conditions during the monsoon season. In case of drought, t. aman rice cultivation suffers significant damages, which can cause increase in prices for staple food, and increase risk of seasonal food shortages. Therefore, timely transplantation is essential to secure higher production. Community participation and collective action in cultivating rice are especially important in areas regularly prone to natural hazards such as north-western Bangladesh. This practice is designed to facilitate and promote community - based joint seedling production of t. aman rice to ensure timely availability of seedlings to all community members for early transplantation, and thus contributing to timely growing of plants and increasing yields.
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    Drought in the Horn of Africa – Rapid response and mitigation plan to avert a humanitarian catastrophe
    January–June 2022
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    The Horn of Africa is facing the third severe La Niña‑induced drought episode in a decade, and the region is on the verge of a catastrophe if humanitarian assistance is not urgently scaled up. Drought is particularly impacting Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia and exacerbating the humanitarian situation in a region characterized by underlying vulnerabilities and already suffering from the impact of multiple shocks since late 2019. These include a desert locust upsurge (the first in 70 years), the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic and its socioeconomic implications, abnormally high food prices, and protracted conflict and insecurity. Drought is among the most devastating of natural hazards – crippling food production, depleting pastures, disrupting markets, and, at its most extreme, causing widespread human and animal deaths. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) rapid response and mitigation plan for the Horn of Africa describe the set of activities that should be prioritized from the recent Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) for Ethiopia and Somalia, as well as those included in the Kenya Drought Flash Appeal, in order to save the livelihoods and therefore the lives of 1.5 million rural people across the three countries. The timeframe for the plan is January to June 2022 (six months). FAO is urgently requesting USD 129.9 million to provide critical assistance to rural populations, prevent the further worsening of hunger and malnutrition, safeguard livelihoods, as well as prevent displacement and further increases in humanitarian needs in 2022.
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    Livelihood adaptation to climate variability andchange in drought-prone areas of Bangladesh
    Developing institutions and options
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    The impacts of climate variability and change are global concerns, but in Bangladesh, where large parts of the population are chronically exposed and vulnerable to a range of natural hazards, they are particularly critical. Within this context, FAO and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) are guiding an assessment of livelihood adaptation to climate variability and change in the drought- prone areas of Northwest Bangladesh.

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