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Running farmer field schools in times of COVID-19: A resource handbook

FAO. 2020. Running farmer field school in times of COVID-19: A resource handbook. Rome. 

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    Food Safety Manual for Farmer Field Schools
    A Training Reference Guide on Food Safety in Global FFS Programmes
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    In the supply chains for fruit and vegetables there is an increasing demand for more attention to food safety. Farmer Field Schools has proven to be a very effective method to incorporate food safety aspects into farming practices. This manual is a reference guide for the inclusion of Food Safety aspects in Farmer Field School (FFS) programmes. Health (consumer protection) is the main entry point for food safety in this manual. This manual is written for managers of (national) IPM programmes, T OT master trainers and FFS facilitators.
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    Handbook for Farmer Field School on Climate Smart Agriculture in central dry zone, Myanmar 2019
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    The FAO is implementing a project entitled “Sustainable Cropland and forest management in priority agro-ecosystems of Myanmar (SLM-GEF)” in coordination with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MoNREC) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MoALI) with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project promotes climate smart agriculture (CSA) policies and practices at different levels in Myanmar. In the field, the project is active in five pilot Townships from three different agro-ecological zones implementing various relevant CSA initiatives mainly using Farmer Field Schools (FFS) models. In order to implement FFS effectively in a proper way, the project has developed FFS Curricula for each of the above mentioned three agro-ecological zones with support from AVSI Foundation as a Service Provider. Similarly, the project has developed a FFS Handbook for each agro-ecological zone both in Myanmar and English version with support from AVSI Foundation as a Service Provider. This handbook is intended to help the Extension Workers, FFS Facilitators and FFS Committee/farmers to implement FFS on CSA techniques and practices in different agro-ecological zones and scaling up the learnings in similar areas of Myanmar.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Understanding the Farmer Field School agro-ecosystem analysis board 2021
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    The ecosystem-literacy training employed in FFS is vital for enabling smallholder farmers to master the management skills required for sustainable crop production intensification and diversification. This is radically different from the approach used by more traditional extension systems which are designed for “technology-transfer” purposes. Agro Ecosystem Analysis (AESA) is the cornerstone of the field school approach and is based on the ecosystem concept, in which each element at the crop/farm/field has its own, unique role. It involves crops or commodity observations, data collection, analysis, interpretations or discussions, and recommendations. Farmers use AESA method to understand the situation of crop ecosystem in the FFS approach. However, the method still included a reasonable level of complexity where the farmer has to deal with numeric and textual data. This remained a challenge for the facilitator to communicate with the farming community, who cannot easily write and read the observations and perform analysis on a paper sheet and also in the presentation of the same AESA sheet. The New AESA Board is devised to mitigate the challenge of illiteracy and some other challenges in participatory group learning including the difference of age, education level, gender equality, wealth position, social activism in the field school. The pre-designed AESA board provides equal opportunity to all participants including literate, illiterate or poor literacy services. This AESA board along with analytical color language named Jam's 4 Colors by FAO Pakistan remains among the top innovations of 2020.

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