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Implementation of IOTC Conservation and Management Measures - Part A

Understanding IOTC and the international fisheries management framework

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    Implementation of IOTC Conservation and management measures - Part B
    Implementation of IOTC CMMs entailing reporting obligations
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    The purpose of this Manual is to assist IOTC Members and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties in achieving a better understanding of the actions that they need to take under the IOTC, by providing an overview of the Conservation and Management Measures (CMM’s) entailing active reporting requirements. The content is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides a broad overview of the IOTC Resolutions and Conservation and Management measures adopted by the IOTC. The second chapter provides a detailed description of the requirements from the CPCs arising from the CMMs in relation to the main roles that CPCs play with regards to Coastal State responsibility. The third Chapter describes requirements and responsibilities of CPCs as Flag States. The fourth chapter describes requirements and responsibilities of CPCs as Port States. The fifth chapter describes requirements and responsibilities of CPCs as Market States. The sixth chapter describes the cross-cutting CMMS and duties under basic texts. This manual should be viewed as a living document that can be revised and improved by all parties as experience is expanded in the implementation of the IOTC Conservation and Management Measures.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Implementation of IOTC Conservation and Management Measures
    Part A: Understanding IOTC and the international fisheries management framework
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    The objective of this manual is to provide a working document for Contracting Parties (or “Member”) and Cooperating Non-contracting Parties (CPCs) to use in the implementation of the IOTC Resolutions. The content is divided into two chapters. The first chapter provides a broad overview of the international regime within which the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission has evolved, then examines the role of specific key international legal instruments (conventions and agreements) related to Indian Ocean tuna fisheries. It describes the roles of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) and Regional Fisheries Advisory Bodies (RFABs), and explains what the IOTC is, how it is supposed to work, who drives it and what results are expected of it. The second chapter summarises the principles and measures provided by international instruments that guide fisheries management. It then describes the fisheries management tools used by IOTC from the perspectives of coastal States, flag States, port States and market States. This manual should be viewed as a living document that can be revised and improved by all parties as experience is expanded in the implementation of the IOTC Conservation and Management Measures.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Implementation of IOTC Conservation and Management Measures
    Part B: Implementation of IOTC CMMs entailing reporting obligations
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    The purpose of this Manual is to assist IOTC Contracting Parties and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties (CPCs) to better understand the measures and actions that they must take in discharging their reporting obligations. It provides an overview of the IOTC Conservation and Management Measures (CMMs) that require active reporting and explains the aim, technical requirements, and reporting requirements for each. The content is divided into three chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of the objective and structure of this Manual. It describes IOTC Resolutions and Recommendations and explains the IOTC functions and institutional arrangements responsible for compliance with their requirements. It defines both event-based and recurring reporting and presents a table showing for each Resolution whether the flag, port, coastal, and/or market State(s) has or have reporting obligations. The second chapter focuses on the Resolutions that require reporting and explains for each the key considerations for its adoption, the aim, and application, technical and reporting requirements. The Resolutions appear in a framework based on the objective of the Resolution: fisheries management, monitoring, control and surveillance, mandatory statistics, and market-related measures. The third chapter describes CPCs’ reporting requirements under Article X of the IOTC Agreement, the Rules of Procedure, and relevant decisions of the Commission and the Scientific Committee. They require reporting through the annual Report of Implementation, the Standard Compliance Questionnaire, and the National Scientific Report. This Manual is a living document that can be revised and improved by all CPCs as experience is gained in the implementation of the IOTC Conservation and Management Measures.

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