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Cash+ pilot programme in Kyrgyzstan: Improving food security, boosting productivity and diversifying livelihoods

Last updated 02/11/2022, see Corrigendum

FAO. 2022. Cash+ pilot programme in Kyrgyzstan: Improving food security, boosting productivity and diversifying livelihoods: Policy brief. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Rapid assessment and microsimulation of impacts of a Cash+ pilot intervention in Kyrgyzstan 2022
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    This report presents the results of a mixed-method rapid assessment that provides both indicative quantitative information and in-depth qualitative analysis on the household-level impacts of the Cash+ pilot. The assessment focused on the effects of the pilot intervention on dietary diversity, income generation and poverty reduction outcomes as well as household decision-making. To establish the impacts of the pilot, the assessment relied on comparing subjective perceptions of households that participated in the pilot, those receiving only cash transfers but not the pilot, and a sample of other households that did not receive either support (as a comparison group). This was accomplished through a qualitative study and a quantitative study. The rapid assessment was complemented by a microsimulation analysis of potential poverty impacts and implications for food consumption diversity that made use of the Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey (KIHS) conducted in 2014, which is representative at the national level.
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    This report presents the results of a mixed-method rapid assessment that provides both indicative quantitative information and in-depth qualitative analysis on the household-level impacts of the Cash+ pilot. The Cash+ approach has been developed to reap the benefits of integrating cash transfers with productive support interventions and skills training. The approach brings together key sectors, such as social protection, agriculture and nutrition, in an effort to address the key determinants of poverty and some underlying causes of malnutrition. In 2019, FAO piloted such an integrated approach by implementing a Cash+ project in Lori and Shirak regions in Armenia. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impacts of the pilot on beneficiaries, in particular on their diets, agricultural activities, income generation and poverty reduction and its potential for poverty reduction through a scale up of similar support.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Improving food security and nutrition through cash+ in Kyrgyzstan
    Combining cash transfers with productive assets, inputs, agricultural and nutrition trainings to support vulnerable and poor rural households in Jalal-Abad province
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    Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked, lower-middle-income country in Central Asia with a population of 7 million. Between 2012 and 2019 the level of poverty declined significantly, but poverty rates in rural areas remained higher than in urban areas, with healthy diets unaffordable for 48 percent of the rural population and a stunting prevalence of 11.8 percent in 2018. Against this background, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) implemented the project “Developing capacity for strengthening food security and nutrition in selected countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia” which sought to improve the livelihoods, productive capacities, and food and nutrition security of poor and vulnerable households. This promising practice factsheet documents the intervention implemented in Kyrgyzstan from late 2017 to the end of 2018, with selected beneficiaries among households benefiting from the country’s main social assistance programme, which transfers cash assistance every month to households with children under 16 years of age and with earnings below the country’s guaranteed minimum income. The FAO cash+ intervention aimed to support livelihoods enhancement and agricultural productive capacities of beneficiaries while improving their knowledge of nutrition. The intervention benefited from a coherent and multisectoral approach that combined social protection and agricultural assistance to deliver positive changes in terms of food security, nutrition, income and livelihoods. As a result, it attracted the interest of both the government and the beneficiaries, with good local ownership and strong support from local administrations.

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