Preliminary Report Cruise No. IV - Surveys of the Fish Resources in the Shelf Region between Suriname and Colombia - Part 3: Venezuela, North Coast from Bocas del Dragon to Golfo de Venezuela, 21 November - 8 December 1988 Dr Fridtjof Nansen 1988 2020-11-10T17:33:07Z
dc.description.abstract The research programme SURVEYS OF THE FISH RESOURCES IN THE SHELF REGION FROM COLOMBIA TO SURINAME is sponsored by The Norwegian Agency for Development Assistance NORAD, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO, and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP. The programme is being planned jointly by the participating countries, FAO’s Department of Fisheries and the Institute of Marine Research, Norway. Its execution is the responsibility of the Institute of Marine Rese arch in cooperation with FAO and national fisheries administrations. The programme has comprised four coverages of the region. This cruise report describes the work and some of the findings of the first survey. Full reports will be issued after the completion of the programme. This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Institute of Marine Research, Bergen ;
dc.rights.copyright Non-FAO
dc.title Preliminary Report Cruise No. IV - Surveys of the Fish Resources in the Shelf Region between Suriname and Colombia - Part 3: Venezuela, North Coast from Bocas del Dragon to Golfo de Venezuela, 21 November - 8 December 1988
dc.title.subtitle Cruise Reports
dc.type Project
fao.edition 1
fao.identifier.jobnumber X6067E
fao.placeofpublication Rome, Italy ;
fao.projecttitle No.4 part/3
fao.visibilitytype LIMITED GLOBAL
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