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Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Ghana 2018–2022

Evaluation brief

Management response

FAO. 2023. Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Ghana 2018‒2022. Country Programme Evaluation Series, 07/2023. Rome.

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Evaluation of FAO's country programme in the Dominican Republic 2018–2022
    Summary Report
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    This evaluation was carried out to provide input for the development of the next Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Country Programming Framework in the Dominican Republic and has consisted of the assessment of the strategic positioning of FAO in the country, and the identification of the main contributions in each of the priority areas and transversal themes (gender and economic inclusion of groups in vulnerable conditions and climate action) during the period 2018–2022. The evaluation found that FAO has been a reference point on key issues for the food, agricultural and rural sector. For example, FAO has had influence on public policies on food security and has strengthened capacities to promote associations and the adoption of innovative practices in areas such as climate-smart livestock farming. On the other hand, there is potential to strengthen collaboration between partners who have common objectives with the organisation, especially in the face of emerging issues.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of FAO’s Subregional Office for the Caribbean 2018–2022 2024
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    The evaluation assessed the relevance and contribution of FAO’s work in the Caribbean and aimed to identify inputs to inform decision-making for the planning of FAO’s future engagement in the subregion. The Subregional Office for the Caribbean (SLC) provides strategic and relevant support to countries in the subregion and to partner organizations leveraging FAO’s global technical expertise and networks in numerous thematic areas. The evaluation also found that administrative and operational capacity is challenged by institutional demands, contextual considerations, and is also constrained by logistical challenges related to the multi-country setting SLC covers. Among the recommendations, the evaluation proposes that SLC further improve its administrative and operational efficiency with collaboration of relevant FAO units and implement a portfolio development strategy. It also recommends that FAO further implement the reform of the regional structure and review the current regional mechanisms and processes to support the subregion.
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    Country Programming Framework for Nigeria 2018–2022 2021
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    This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out five government priority areas to guide the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO) partnership and support to the Government of Nigeria (GoN) – bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise during a five-year period from 2018 to 2022. The priority areas are: 1. Strengthen national food security and nutrition through enhanced nutrition-sensitive and climate smart food systems. 2. Support for appropriate and operationally effective agricultural policy and regulatory frameworks. 3. Support to Nigeria's economic diversification agenda and the promotion of decent employment for youth and women in the agriculture value chains 4. Improve efficient and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems. 5. Enhance disaster risk reduction, resilience building and emergency management towards strengthening the Humanitarian Development Nexus. The CPF is anchored in several national documents, which are directed at addressing a myriad of challenges to the rapid development of the agricultural sector. The documents include the Agricultural Promotion Policy (APP) - the Green Alternative, which aims to set the agricultural sector on a growth path that will ensure that output is sufficient to meet domestic food requirements and export quality levels. The Federal Government's Agriculture Promotion Policy, The Green Alternative, builds on the gains made by the Agricultural Transformation Agenda. It aims to work with key stakeholders to build an agribusiness economy that can deliver sustained prosperity, inclusive and equitable growth by meeting domestic food security goals, generating exports and supporting sustainable income and job growth

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