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Evaluation of FAO’s Subregional Office for the Caribbean 2018–2022

Management response

FAO. 2024. Evaluation of FAO’s Subregional Office for the Caribbean 2018–2022. Country Programme Evaluation Series, No. 01/2024. Rome.

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    Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Ghana 2018–2022 2023
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    In 2022, the FAO Office of Evaluation conducted its first country programme evaluation in Ghana covering the period between 2018 and 2022. The purpose of the evaluation is to provide strategic recommendations on how the FAO programme can be better oriented in Ghana that could feed into the formulation of the next Country Programming Framework (CPF), defining the priorities for cooperation between FAO and the Government of Ghana. The evaluation assessed the relevance of FAO's programme, its contributions to CPF priority areas, and organizational performance in Ghana. Overall, the evaluation found that FAO's programme in Ghana aligns with the government's agricultural modernization agenda, with significant contributions in value chain development, climate resilience, and anticipatory actions in the agriculture sector. However, the design and implementation of the CPF is not optimally responsive to Ghana's specific challenges as a low-middle-income country. Stakeholders recognize FAO's influence and expertise but highlighted a mismatch in strategic positioning and leadership. The evaluation emphasizes the importance of stronger government ownership and private sector engagement. The evaluation makes six recommendations, which includes FAO strengthening its presence and sights in Ghana and developing explicit corporate policies and tools for effective operations in low-middle-income countries.
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    Evaluation of FAO's country programme in the Dominican Republic 2018–2022
    Summary Report
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    This evaluation was carried out to provide input for the development of the next Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Country Programming Framework in the Dominican Republic and has consisted of the assessment of the strategic positioning of FAO in the country, and the identification of the main contributions in each of the priority areas and transversal themes (gender and economic inclusion of groups in vulnerable conditions and climate action) during the period 2018–2022. The evaluation found that FAO has been a reference point on key issues for the food, agricultural and rural sector. For example, FAO has had influence on public policies on food security and has strengthened capacities to promote associations and the adoption of innovative practices in areas such as climate-smart livestock farming. On the other hand, there is potential to strengthen collaboration between partners who have common objectives with the organisation, especially in the face of emerging issues.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean 2017–2020 2021
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    This evaluation had the purpose of assessing the performance and added value of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (RLC), taking into account the role of the regional initiatives as mechanisms to facilitate such work. It was found that the support provided, especially for the escalation of results, has been substantive and useful, however, there is no institutional strategy that promotes the identification of factors that promote upscaling of programmes based on organizational learning. Recommendations were drawn up to improve the relevance of the work around the regional initiatives, as well as to promote the scaling up of programmes, the implementation of policies for the inclusion of gender perspectives and of indigenous, Afrodescendant and tribal peoples, the generation and use of evidence as a basis for decision-making, and to address the new context derived from COVID-19.

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