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Effectiveness of Biostat (Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride) in Maintaining the Freshness of “Hasa-Hasa” (Rastrelliger brachyosomus Bleeker) 

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    Studies on the effects of fresh and fermented manure on fish production
    Establishment of a Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia
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    With chemical fertilizer (N,P) as control, comparative studies were made on the effects of fresh and fermented pig manure on fish production. The results indicated that fish production in ponds supplied with fresh pig manure was the highest, compared to those with fermented pig manure, or control ponds. It appeared that fish in fresh pig-manured ponds not only could utilize bacteria, detritus and plankton, but could also directly feed on pig manure; thus pig manure was utilized better and result ed in higher fish production.
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    Comparative study on the effects of fresh and fermented pig manure on fish yield
    Establishment of a Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia
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    1) Pig excreta after biogas fermentation are used as a manure source in fish ponds. Not only partial energy can be obtained, but also the decomposition of pig excreta can be conducted fully in anaerabic conditions, and the quick effective nutritional constituents would be raised and preserved. As a result, the biological resources can be reasonably utilized. 2) After applying fermented manure in fish ponds, the content of effective nutritional constituents augmented, resulting in the prolifera tion and growth of plankton and the improvement of the composition of phytoplankton. Fermented manure decreased the D.O. consumption during the process of decomposition of organic matter, and thus, it improved the ecological environment for various species of fish; it raised the food utilization rate with the result that fish yield could be increased. 3) Based on the comparative study for 2 years, the fish yield by using fermented manure was 7.1–25.6% higher than that by using fresh pig manure . The increment of feed-eaters is greater than the increment of plankton-feeders. At the same time, the quality of fish has been improved. It's worth extending the techniques owing to apparent economic benefit. 4) The synchroneous development of livestock-poultry culture, biogas utilization and fresh water aquaculture should be positively encouraged. It could lead to multi-storied comprehensive utilization of biological resources so as to raise the value of biological resources.

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