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Promoting inclusive green finance in agriculture

Selected case studies

Benni, N. 2024. Promoting inclusive green finance in agriculture – Selected case studies. Rome, FAO and Bonn, GIZ.

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    Green finance as a critical lever for delivering sustainable agrifood systems – A global landscape study 2023
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    The global landscape study on ‘Green finance as a critical lever for delivering sustainable agrifood system’ is an inclusive commentary on the current status of green finance to agrifood sector in the global south and its support system. This document provides evidence that the current green finance trends favour the development of the clean energy industry, whereas smallholder agriculture has not had the same success. Financing the agrifood sector in a “business as usual” mode is not a sufficient condition to mitigate the risks emanated from a range of climatic shocks and unprecedented events impacting the global food value chains. Sustainable financing mechanisms through innovative instruments and business practices are potential solutions and green finance emerges as the way forward to shift the focus from economic profit creation to the generation of stakeholder’s value (economic, environmental, and social governance). The document presents an excellent opportunity that can help elicit ongoing initiatives, application mechanisms, and significant issues to build global narratives about developing an inclusive approach to green finance services for the agrifood sector.
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    Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook 2013
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    The purpose of the sourcebook is to further elaborate the concept of CSA and demonstrate its potential, as well as limitations. It aims to help decision makers at a number of levels (including political administrators and natural resource managers) to understand the different options that are available for planning, policies and investments and the practices that are suitable for making different agricultural sectors, landscapes and food systems more climate-smart. This sourcebook is a reference tool for planners, practitioners and policy makers working in agriculture, forestry and fisheries at national and subnational levels. The sourcebook indicates some of the necessary ingredients required to achieve a climate-smart approach to the agricultural sectors, including existing options and barriers. Read the executive summary here.
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    Proceedings of the National Workshop on Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture in Myanmar 2020
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    The “Sustainable Cropland and Forest Management in Priority Agro-ecosystems of Myanmar” Project of FAO in Myanmar is a five-year project (2016-2021) funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) and being jointly coordinated and implemented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MoNREC) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation (MoALI). The project has supported establishment of a National CSA at Yezin Agriculture University in Myanmar. One of the key activities of the National CSA Center is to organize annual workshop/conference to share ideas, opportunities and challenges with regards to CSA and SLM and to discuss on the way forwards. Such workshops will focus on different themes of CSA and SLM every year. Accordingly, the first workshop was organized by the CSA Center at YAU on 14th Sep 2018 and the theme of this workshop was “Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture in Myanmar”. This proceeding presents the background of the project and workshop and compiles all the papers presented during the workshop.

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