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Promoting Healthy Diets and Lifestyles in Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

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    Promoting Healthy Diets and Lifestyles in Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines
    Case Study Series Summary Sheet
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    Development of National Land Banks for Improved Food and Nutrition Security and Land Administration in Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - TCP/SLC/3602 2021
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    The Eastern Caribbean is faced by crucial issues related to its food and nutrition security, including lands left idle or underutilized, high food import bills, a lack of land use planning to protect agricultural land and high levels of rural youth unemployment The governance of land tenure in the region is impeded by a lack of comprehensive and current databases This delays the process of selecting available land, surveying and allocating subdivided holdings to available farmers The absence of data and the lenience of the state towards informal and illegal occupants of land may also cause reluctance on the part of private landowners to submit their land to such a process In order to promote sustainable agriculture production at national level, enhance food and nutrition security, and support the sustainable management of rural lands, in particular idle and underutilized lands, the project aimed to develop National Land Banks in Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The establishment of land banks would help to ensure that lands are leased to landless persons who are genuinely interested in agriculture In particular, they have the potential to be a driving force for the involvement of youth in agriculture and rural development, as well as contributing to sustainable land management ( and good governance of land tenure through improved land administration To this end, the project would also build the capacity of staff of the land administration divisions in each country to manage and operate the land banks Overall, the project was expected to contribute significantly to increasing food production, SLM and rural development in the three countries.
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    Supporting the Zero Hunger Challenge in Antigua and barbuda, Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - TCP/SLC/3502 2019
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    Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines areexperiencing drastic changes in their agro-food systems, which stem fromhigh demand for, and dependency on, imported food and food products.Although the food and agriculture sector was traditionally a maincontributor to economic development, agricultural production hassignificantly declined over the past two decades. Growing consumption ofcommercial food comes at the expense of local and traditional staples, suchas fruits, vegetables and legumes, which has been linked to decliningagricultural production in and around homes. Imported foods are heavilyprocessed and high in salt, sugar and fat. Moreover, correlations betweenincreasing imports of processed food and nutrition-related diseases inthe Caribbean have been observed. The region also has the highestmortality rates caused by non-communicable disease and the highestobesity rate in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region.In response, this project aimed to establish special programmes forsmall-scale, backyard and school gardens to improve food availability andhealthy eating habits and empower women and youth.

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