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Tanganyika-Ancient and Unique Great Lake risk.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Traditional knowledge, biodiversity and genetic resources for food and agriculture in Lake Chad Basin ecosystems
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    This book is a tribute to the strength and intelligence of the people of the Lake Chad Basin who, over centuries, have developed a wealth of local technologies enabling them to survive the harsh and uncertain conditions of the region. Most Lake Chad Basin people today engage in some mixture of agriculture, fisheries and pastoral activities. People in highly uncertain and marginal habitats clearly have a heightened awareness of the importance of biological diversity in their lives. A diversity of potential food sources, over a range of times and places, with different types and levels of demand on the environment minimizes the risk of a potentially deadly shortfall in food resources. Biodiversity, to the people living in this region, is not the mere subject of an academic debate with political overtones, it is the substance of survival. pastoral activities. People in highly uncertain and marginal habitats clearly have a heightened awareness of the importance of biological divers ity in their lives. A diversity of potential food sources, over a range of times and places, with different types and levels of demand on the environment minimizes the risk of a potentially deadly shortfall in food resources. Biodiversity, to the people living in this region, is not the mere subject of an academic debate with political overtones, it is the substance of survival.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the third session of the Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika, Lusaka, Zambia, 3-4 October 1985/ Rapport de la troisième session du Sous-Comité pour le lac Tanganyika, Lusaka, Zambie, 3-4 octobre 1985 1986
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    This document is the final formal report of the Third Session of the CIFA Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika, held in Lusaka, Zambia, on 3 and 4 October 1985. Major topics were: the status of the fisheries of Lake Tanganyika, conclusions of the Workshop on Fishery Statistics for Inland Waters, and regional cooperation for research, management and development of the fisheries of Lake Tanganyika. The main decisions, directives and recommendations are listed in Appendix E.On trouvera ci-après la version définitive du rapport officiel de la troisième session du Sous-Comité du CPCA pour le lac Tanganyika, qui s'est tenue à Lusaka (Zambie), les 3 et 4 octobre 1985. Les débats ont essentiellement porté sur la situation des pêches dans le lac Tanganyika, les conclusions de l'Atelier sur les statistiques des pêches dans les eaux intérieures, et la coopération régional en matière de recherche, d'aménagement et de développement des pêches du lac Tanganyika. La liste des principales décisions, directives et recommendations qui ont été formulées figure à l'annexe E.
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    Book (series)
    CIFA - Report of the seventh session of the Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika. Rome, Italy, 25-28 November 1996. / CPCA - Rapport de la septième session du Sous-Comité pour le lac Tanganyika. Rome, Italie, 25-28 novembre 1996.22p. 1997
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    This document is the final report of the seventh session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika, which was held in Rome, Italy, from 25 to 28 November 1996. Major topics were implementation of the Lake Tanganyika Research Project, the Lake Tanganyika fisheries development/management issues and a Fisheries Development Plan, possibilities for the establishment of the Lake Tanganyika Fisheries Commission and collaboration with other research prog rammes such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Programme. The summary of the main recommendations and decisions is shown in Appendix D.

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