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Draft national aquatic animal health strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina / / Nacrt nacionalne strategije za zdravlje akvatiènih životinja u Bosni i Hercegovini

Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, State Veterinary Office/Vijece ministara BiH, Ured za veterinarstvo.Draft national aquatic animal health strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina/Nacrt nacionalne strategije za zdravlje akvatiènih životinja u Bosni i Hercegovini.Rome, Rim FAO. 2009. 47p.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Veterinary inspector’s checklist for aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Cek lista za veterinarske inspektore na farmama akvakulture i objektima za preradu riba u Bosni i Hercegovini 2009
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    This document, Veterinary inspector’s checklist for aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, developed as one of the outputs of FAO Technical Cooperation Project TCP/BIH/3101 “Strengthening Aquaculture Health Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, presents a checklist of information that will provide guidance to veterinary inspectors of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) in conducting veterinary inspection of aquaculture farms and fish processing esta blishments in the country. The Veterinary inspector’s checklist may be applied to several types of aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments, i.e. fish hatcheries, cage-culture facilities, concrete ponds, earthen ponds, fish transporting systems and fish processing facilities. The checklist includes information on aspects of inspections, parameters to be analysed/tested or activities to be performed, samples to be collected and frequency of inspection. The legal reference to which the inspection procedure needs to be carried out is also indicated. These legal decisions ensure that appropriate sanitary practices (for fish, water, feed, facilities, etc.) and monitoring of veterinary health of fish and safety and quality of fishery products are in place. This veterinary checklist will assist in the implementation of the National Aquatic Animal Health Strategy (NAAHS) for BIH and help to protect and improve the country’s national aquatic animal health sta tus, enhance the nation’s ability to meet international aquatic animal health and food safety standards and obligations, promote sustainable aquaculture and facilitate access to international markets for aquaculture and fishery products.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the FAO Western Balkan Regional Seminar/Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19-21 May 2008. 2009
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    The Western Balkan Regional Seminar/Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health was convened by FAO as part of the implementation of the FAO/TCP/BiH/3101 Strengthening Aquaculture Health Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to disseminate the outcomes of the project and to promote future cooperation in aquaculture and aquatic animal health management in the region. This regional workshop was used to explore the possibilities for a regional cooperation and development of a regional conce pt proposal to address common problems related to pathogen issues affecting regional trade between Balkan states and other key European Union trading partners.
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    Book (series)
    Strengthening aquaculture health management in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009
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    This publication, one of the main documentation outputs of the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Project TCP/BIH/3101 “Strengthening Aquaculture Health Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina” contains, a series of seven contributed papers with useful information on the development and current status of aquaculture and aquatic animal health in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These papers were presented by national and international consultants during the various training/workshops that we re undertaken during project implementation. The topics include: project overview and highlights of implementation, development of national policy and strategy for aquaculture, European Union animal health requirements for aquacultured animals and their products, status of national aquaculture development, aquatic animal health surveillance and disease control system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and national health status of aquatic animals and aquacultured fish and fishery product qualit y and safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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